Chapter 6, The goo's owner.

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Lukas walked down the walkway of Fort Cline, followed by his wife, his brother, and his son. Soon, he thought, decades of research will finally come to a head. The walk was silent the whole way down into Fort Cline' underground facilities. Lukas knew he had to lighten the mood.

"Molly, I think this is your first time being in Fort Cline," Lukas said as the four of them walked towards the research and development.

"Yes, I think this is my first time being down here." Mom said quietly, looking around in wonder at the place.

Lukas placed his hands proudly on his hips. "And what a first time it is!" Lukas boasted, "You get to be part of one of the most important discoveries in the world!" Lukas never passed on an opportunity to make himself look bigger and better.

I rolled my eyes. Ever since my dad had found the goo, his ego had inflated dramatically, "I don't think it's that big of a deal Dad." I said. "Besides, I'm the one who's actually going to do anything, you're just going to be watching."

Lukas stopped walking and turned around. He looked like someone had shot him. Uh-oh. I thought, I pushed his trigger button. When my dad turned around everyone stopped walking. Mom and Alan both staring at Lukas waiting to see what he was going to say.

"How dare you say that!" he said pointing a shaking finger at me. "I have worked my whole life for this moment. And I won't-"

"Xavier honey just-" Mom began.

"Don't interrupt-" Lukas barked before taking a look at everyone. Xavier, Molly, and his brother Alan were looking at him like he had gone mad. Maybe I am taking this a bit too far. He thought. "Sorry everyone." Lukas said sincerely, his shoulders slumping. "It's just this is my life's work, something I've spent years searching for. But that shouldn't give me the right to yell at anyone like that."

Mom put a hand on Lukas's shoulder. "It's okay. We've all been there." She said softly before her expression changed. "Never do it again." She said firmly.

"I won't." Lukas promised.

"Can we go now?" Alan asked. "We've been standing here for quite some time now."

"Let's go then." Mom said walking ahead of everyone. She doesn't even know where to go! I thought, oh wait, all she has to do is stay on the path.

"Hey uncle Alan," I asked as the four of them continued walking down the hall, "How long have you worked for my dad?"

"I'd say about ten years." Alan answered. "What make you think of that?"

"I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I just wanted to know."

"Alright, we're here!" Lukas announced as he opened the door to the ladder. "Everyone up." He said pointing to the ladder.

Of course, no one used the ladder as they could all fly, which was something I was especially happy about. No more having to climb up the ladder! Even though I had been able to fly for a month, I still relished in that fact.

After a quick flight up. I found myself looking at my dad's test laboratory. It was big white room with various tables sprawled around the room, each with dozens of little gadgets, vials, and lab equipment. In the center of the room, there was a huge glass box with a bit of swirling black goo in it.

"Don't mind the mess." my dad said as the four of them stepped around the tables, "I had to make room for the star subject."

"Is that the goo?" I asked pointing to the huge glass box.

"Yes, it is son, yes, it, is." His dad said proudly. "Come on everyone let's see the goo!" Lukas, Mom, and Alan walked over to the glass box in the center of the room.

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