Chapter 19, Aeternus.

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January 3rd, 2045.

"Just a few more hours and we'll be there." I said, looking at the small dark green planet.

Aeternus was the last stop on my trip around the galaxy, it was the most dangerous of all of the planets I'd been to, seeing that this was the planet of time.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared. On one of our fuel stops, I had told someone about where I was heading and they told me that Aeternus would break me, just like it has countless others. They wouldn't say what would happen, but I knew it couldn't be good.

No matter what happened, I needed time on my side for once. I wanted to stop the linear flow of it and rewind it, fast forward it, and do with it whatever I pleased. There was nothing that could match its power.

On the ship, it was like it had gone back in time, Celia and I hardly talked to each other, and we mostly stayed on each other's space. Oh, you heard me correctly, remember when I kicked Celia's door down? Well I had to swap rooms with her. I was being very noble by doing this.

So now I don't have a door, no big deal, I'll just rewind time and put the door back. I think this is a good stopping point for now. I closed my journal and walked out the door.

Celia was spinning around in the pilot's seat. "It feels so good to be cured! I don't have to worry about dying anymore!"

"You're been saying that for the last three months! We get it." I said.

She shrugged. "And I'm going to keep saying it for as long as I want to." She got up out of the chair. She stroked my chin, "don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine."

Celia had been over the moon since her curing on Sanith.

I don't know if she was referring to my injuries, or my sanity. I stroked her chin, copying her. "once I take the orb, nothing else will matter."

Celia smiled and leaned in a little closer to me, "I'm sure there's something else that's matters after that." She said quietly.

"Heading back to undrupiter to finish the job." I said. "There, decades of hard work would come to its peak and I would put the final nail in the coffin of undrupiter and free Bryck."

Celia had a puzzled look on her face. She walked around me and head to the window.

"Was it something I said?" I asked walking over to her.

"Not every single thing revolves around you." Celia pointed to the massive swirling portal engulfing us. "We've been caught by something." She sure sounded calm!

"Don't worry, I'll-"

The lights went out before I could even finish my statement and I couldn't see a thing. I felt something tightly grip my wrist as the ship started to shake.

"Ow! Celia! Let go of me! That's my bad arm." I said, before I float off the ground. There goes the gravity.

"Both of your arms are bad." Celia said, not letting go of her death grip on to my arm. "I just needed something to steady myself, you'll be fine."

"Gee, thanks for caring,"

I could feel Celia wrap her arms around me. "Just enjoy the moment." She said, "are you enjoying this?"

Celia was acting really strange, something wasn't right.

I changed the subject. "Where's Frank? We could use him right about now." I asked as the room became colder and colder. Space wasn't exactly the warmest place, and without any power, we would freeze to death.

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