let's be serious. that's bullshit.

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It was a quiet August morning when Diana woke up. It had rained the whole day yesterday, and even though the clouds had been gone by now, mist and cold air were lying over the country. The sun had a hard job breaking through the fog and only lightened as much as you were able to tell that it was morning, not night. Diana looked at her phone. It was almost 8 am. Her alarm had not even started yet. She tried to sort her thoughts, but all she could think of was her conversation with Gilbert from last night. It concerned her that the rumour about this Anne girl had reached him. Gilbert was a boy who stayed in his small group of friends and stayed out of gossip. So why was he so keen on meeting this girl? What made her so interesting?

"Diana, are you awake?" Her mum knocked at her door.

"Yes", answered Diana with a weak voice, since she just woke up.

"Are you dressed yet?"

Diana silently moaned. It had not even struck 8 yet, and her mum already drove her crazy. 

She tried to answer as calmly as possible: "No, not yet."

She did not have to see her mum to know that she rolled her eyes. 

"Why, you know the Cuthberts are coming in two hours?"

"Yes, I know that", said Diana while she stood up. She went to her dressing table and opened her hair, which she had hold in a long braid. 

Her mother was silent for a moment, then she said: "Are you going to wear make-up?"

Diana's head went red as soon as she heard her mother's last words. Make-up. Since she had turned 14 her mother had tried to convince her to wear make-up. She knew her mother did not think of her as being ugly. But she also knew that her mother thought being a girl meant wearing make-up. For her it was a fact. For Diana it was torture. Once, when her mother gave her some mascara, Diana almost poked her eyes out. Since this incident she had not touched any make-up her mother had given her.

So she answered "no" and tried to sound as confident as possible.

Another pause. Diana went through her hair with a brush and let her long dark hair fall into waves onto her back.

"But you are going to wear what I have put out for you, aren't you?" 

Diana sighed. She knew she had to be cooperative since she resisted to wear make-up.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay. Hurry up, then." 

With these words her mother went downstairs, and Diana was by her own again. As soon as her mother was gone, she felt as the imaginary hand that squeezed her chest was gone as well. She had had this feeling for a while now and it always showed up when she had a displeasing conversation with her mother.
She tried to ignore this feeling and instead took some deep breathes. Then she put her blue hair ribbon into her hair and turned back to look at the clothes her mother had put out for her. She took another deep breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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