Chapter Sixteen- Graduation

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Well here is the next chapter only one more left and then this story is over. Hope you all enjoyed it. 





Luv Ya All


June 15, 2009

Finally it was graduation day. Everything was going so well.  Jeremy woke Abby up and told her it was time for her to get ready for graduation. As she was huge now she decided on a summer dress. Plus after graduation she was announcing to everyone that she was married, and who she was married to.  Alex was going to announce the same thing. And they had a surprise for everyone.  See their parents were not in Africa, they were in England with the Queen. See Abby and Alex were the Queens great grandchildren.  That is why they were always traveling growing up.  Their friends always went when they were older to so they already knew about it. Abby broke down and told Jeremy last night. He wasn’t to happy that she kept it from him, but he understood. Now that school was out she was allowed to tell.  She got ready for graduation, and called Alex. She asked her Bubby if he was ready or if Kendra was ready. They were both ready. Jeremy told Abby that she could ride in the limo with her friends and brother. So she was going to.

Everyone got to the school on time. The ceremony went by fast. Before they knew it it was time for the speeches. Blake read the speech that everyone helped write:

                “ As we gathered here today for our last day at this school, we can’t help but think back on the four years that we were here. Some of us had a blast, some of us not so much. As this is just the beginning of our lives we all hope that everyone is lead in the right path of what they are to do. In the future lets try and think about all our past teachers and what they have helped us learn. Us 7 here have learnt a lot from out teachers and we are sure you have as well. Don’t forget the times we have all spent in the halls or class rooms. And we all need to be an example for the future generations.  Thank you all and Congratulations Class of 2009.”

After the speech the principle gave out the diplomas. Then he called Alex and Abby to the stage.

                “At this time I have had two people ask if they could share a few more words with us. I usauly don’t alow this however, some of what they are about to say will help all of you figure out what is going on. Alexander and Abigail Franklin please come to the stage at this time.”

Abby and Alex walked up to the stage and both said:

                “Thank you Mr. Mayes, at this time it is important for us to think about the past few years and everything that has happened. There is a lot of things that has happened in the world. However, there are some things that have happened that have impacted us more then you. Now we both have some announcements but one of the big ones is: Our parents are not in Africa like we say they are. They are actually in England at the Castel with the King and Queen. Queen Elizabeth is out Great Grandmother. We were not allowed to tell anyone that we are a Prince and Princess other than close friends. Now that we are out of school we are allowed to announce it to all of you. We hope you don’t think any different of us. As we are truly just like you all.”

The whole gym was silent. So Alex started again:

                “Also there is another thing that my sister and I wanted to tell you. I will go first and then her.  My other news is that I am married to Kendra Johnson. We have been married now for almost 4 month now. And we found out that we are having a baby. Today we are exactly 12 weeks along. I know all of you were expecting it as we have been going out for ever. I just thought that we would share this with you. Now I will hand the Mic over to my sister.”

Abby got the mic and started:

                “Well as you all can tell I am pregnant. I have heard you all tell me I am a skank, whore, slut, and other things. But before you call anyone that you need to look in the mirror. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. Also another thing, it, is hard to be pregnant in high school, and I never intended to become pregnant. I never dreamed about becoming a teen mom. However, I did and I will live with that choice for the rest of my life. I thank God every day that I have a support team that has helped me out. Now before I hear anyone else call me a whore, slut, skank, or anything else. And I know you have all assumed that I got pregnant out of wedlock let me tell you that is so not the truth. At this time I am asking that Alex leave the stage and my husband come up here.  While that is happening, I met my husband in October when my friends and I went to Vegas. While there we got married. Of course he didn’t know I was 18 as he thought I was older.”

As soon as she said older Jeremy was on the stage. Everyone in the gym just gasped and then they all started shouting. “How can a teacher marry a student, what did your parents say. He can go to jail.”

Abby asked everyone to be quite and she continued.

                “ Yes I am married to my teacher, but when we got married we didn’t know he was my teacher. Also I have been living with him for the past 6 months. Another thing when I got was able to come back to school my parents told me that I was to be married to some guy. Well it turns out that I had already married him. See Jeremy and I were promised to wed 23 years ago. We just happened to find each other before we knew that. Yes he is my baby’s father and we love each other very much. Thank you for listening to me, and have a good summer.”

After that Jeremy helped Abby off the stage and then over to her friends.  After that the principal got on the stage and congratulated everyone and told them the ceremony was over. Everyone started leaving.  The group all went to Jeremy and Abby’s for a party. They decided to have a pool part. Plus they were all going to be heading different ways over the next few months, so they decided to spend all the time they could together. Plus Abby wasn’t felling up to going out.

Once they got to the house, Jeremy changed clothes, and then started the grill. Everyone else got into bathing suits and started swimming.  Alex decided to help Jeremy out. They had fun. However, an hour after starting the grill Jeremy got  a phone call so he went in the house to take it. It was Mr. Mayes.

Jeremy answered:

                “Hello sir what can I do for you?” Mr. Mayes said:

“Jeremy, I am so sorry to do this to you as I know you have a baby on the way, however, after the graduation the school board got together and decided that they no longer want you to teach at our school. As of right now you are no longer employed with us. If you can turn in your keys, and clean out your class room within 48 hours we would really appreciate it. And they have also banned you from working at any school in our state. We are so sorry for the inconvenience.”

Jeremy told him:

                “Sir, I understand, however, I tuned in my keys already and my room is cleaned out. I put my resignation on your desk early this morning. I understand that I am no longer wanted in your school system. However, my wife and I have talked about it and we are moving to California. As far as me teaching, I didn’t really like it that much so I have decided to go back to my original Career of Acting. Hope you have a nice day sir. Good Bye.”

Jeremy hung up after that. Once he was off the phone he headed out to see what his wife and her friends were up to. Abby was lying on a chair, he asked her if she was ok. She told him she was, but she was hungry. So everyone got out and ate. They spent the rest of the day just having fun.

Once everyone was gone Jeremy told Abby about his phone call. She told him she was sorry, but then again she wasn’t because she had him so she didn’t mind if he didn’t have a job. Plus they were moving to California after the baby was born so it didn’t matter. He told her she was right.

The next few months flew by. Everyone was getting excited; the two couples that weren’t married got married. They didn’t have big weddings, as they didn’t want them. And everyone was going to be in Alabama until after Abby had the baby the they were all going their separate ways for school and there jobs.


Hope you liked it

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