The Introduction

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Alex walked into the dimly lit art gallery turned nightclub and saw a huge neon sign on the opposite wall reading 'Young In Hollywood.' The party was already crowded and photographers from 'It Magazine' were scattered throughout the room taking pictures for their most popular issue of the year. 

The magazine's legendary 'Young In Hollywood' issue had launched some of the biggest stars of the decade, and everyone knew if you didn't get invited to this party, you could forget about making next year's A-list. 

"Come on! Let's get a drink!" Zee whisper-yelled at Alex over the music. Alex followed Zee's tall and slender figure through dozens of people to reach the nearest bar. This was Zee's second year attending and Alex couldn't believe Zee asked her to come as a plus one. 

"Are you serious?!" Alex had shrieked two weeks earlier. "Girl, you are amazing!"

Zee smiled, her hazel eyes twinkling, "No girl, I'm not. I knew they gave me an extra ticket thinking I would invite some dude, so the tabloids can spin some 'Who is She Dating Now?' story. I just want to have a good time, and by bringing you, I can hang with my girl and not have to worry about my publicist blowing me up about rumors on Monday morning!"

 "Ok, whatever! But thank you!" Alex said rolling her eyes, then hugging Zee.

 Alex and Zee hit it off from the first day they met while filming a pilot for a young adult drama series. Zee had been a series lead in the past and even had several movies under her belt. Alex, on the other hand, only had experience as a recurring guest on various hit shows, but was starting to gain some it-girl status for her red carpet appearances. She was extremely grateful for the opportunity to land a show that actually got picked up for a prime-time fall lineup. 

The bartender handed the ladies their drinks and they started to work their way around the room. "Is that Kitchen Kitty?!" Alex exclaimed as a stout woman with pink hair walked towards them, recorder in hand. "Yes, and be careful what you say," Zee warned, "because you never know what gossip Kitty will be cooking up in her kitchen next week!" They both held in their laughter as Kitty reached them.

"Well if it isn't the hottest starlet in Hollywood!" Kitty exclaimed before air kissing Zee by each cheek. She then turned towards Alex with a knowing look. "And you must be Alex Montgomery.  Yaaaaas! My "Foodies" have been talking about you on my blog!"

Alex knew Kitchen Kitty's followers were called Foodies, but she was surprised to learn she was a topic of interest on such a popular site. "So, are you all here to support the man of the hour?" Kitty inquired, leaning in with her eyebrows raised. As if summoned by Kitty's question, camera flashes exploded at the entrance as Jordan W. walked in. "I'll catch up with you ladies in a bit!" Kitty said and started fighting through the mob to get to Jordan.

Jordan W. was the man of the hour. He had landed the coveted cover of "It Magazine's" Young Hollywood issue. Tonight was all about him.

Alex had seen Jordan in magazine spreads, on television, and in the movies; but tonight was her first time seeing him in person. "I didn't think he really looked like that?" Alex said.

"Like what? Perfect?" Zee chuckled, "Honey, always. There's nothing photoshopped about him!"

Jordan was a little over 6 feet tall, with golden brown skin, and a perfectly lined fade. His build was lean and athletic. Thick lashes framed his deep brown eyes, and his full lips only enhanced a strong jawline. As if his look wasn't silver screen perfect enough, a light spattering of boy-next-door freckles graced his nose and cheeks. 

Alex exhaled. "Damn girl, really?!" Zee said almost spilling her drink. "Did you just have a Whitney Houston 'Waiting to Exhale Moment'?"

Alex rolled her eyes catching herself. Zee had a special talent for keeping it real. "No. I just wasn't expected...girl-leave me alone!" She playfully elbowed Zee, then grabbed her arm. "Come on, my feet are starting to hurt. Let's go sit down."

"Oh, now your feet hurt. You're probably just feeling faint from looking at Jordan!" Zee laughed. 

"Girl bye!" Alex retorted.

Alex couldn't believe their luck when they found a vacant plush white sectional in the back corner of the room. Just as they got comfortable, Zee's relaxed face morphed into a devilish smile. 

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Alex asked. 

"Because today must be your lucky day." Zee said, nodding for Alex to look back. 

Alex looked back only to see Jordan W. closing in on them. His full lips started moving, but Alex didn't hear a word...or any sound for that matter. Time had frozen and she was locked in a trance. Then suddenly she snapped back to reality as his words hit her like a punch to the gut.

"You are in my seat." He said, slowly, hoping she would understand his words the third time around. "This section is VIP for the cover star and his guests." he continued, now gesturing towards two large VIP signs she and Zee somehow missed.  

"Got it. I'm going." Alex said, standing up to grab her purse. What a jerk! she thought as she started walking off. She only stopped to look back when she realized Zee wasn't following her. She gave Zee a "seriously" look, but Zee only smiled and waved for Alex to come back. 

Reluctantly, Alex stomped towards Zee, Jordan, and Jordan's entourage. Jordan was now seated with Zee and laughing out loud. Alex decided she would not give him the satisfaction of eye contact. That's what big ego guys like Jordan craved--attention. She was determined to ignore him.

"Jordan, this is my co-star and friend Alex; Alex this is Jordan...the 'man of the hour'." Zee watched awkwardly as grumbled greetings were exchanged, but continued her introduction anyway. "Jordan, here, likes to mess with people!" Zee shrugged. "He and I were briefly introduced at an Emmy party, last year, but we haven't seen each other since," Zee explained. "He's inviting us to stay and hang-out if we want."

Alex did not want. But it was clear that Zee did want. Zee was kind enough to bring Alex to this very exclusive party, and Alex figured the least she could do was swallow her pride and be a good sport. 

"Sure, why not?" 

Alex sat down, arms crossed, as Zee and Jordan talked for a few more minutes. Suddenly, Zee leaned back towards Alex to let her know she'd be right back. Before Alex could respond, Zee had disappeared into the crowd and Jordan was already talking with someone else.

Perfect, she thought. Zee had convinced her to stay in Jordan's special VIP don't sit here area, then left her alone. 

Grabbing her bag, Alex stood up and smoothed her straight dark hair. This wasn't just a party. This was the networking event of the season for someone like her. She was going to get out there, schmooze, and hopefully land in the right pictures.

Just as she was about to pass the VIP signs, two photographers stepped up to the short velvet ropes. "Jordan! We missed you earlier, can we get a few shots?" one called out. Right then, Alex felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her in. Camera lights began to flash, and her reflexes kicked in. She looked straight ahead, smiling, then turned her face slightly at various degrees for the cameras. The hand around her waist firmed up, causing her to lean in. 

"Thank you!"  "That was great!"   the photographers said, already heading to their next subjects. 

Alex looked up as Jordan leaned down. He whispered, "Thanks," and walked off. What just happened? She slowly smoothed her long tresses once more, watching his broad shoulders move further into the distance. She would have to figure how to feel about that later; but right now, she had to work this room. 

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