Chapter 14 - Jordan

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Jordan drove the sedan he owned, prior to purchasing his truck, and wore a hooded coat with a scarf covering most of his face. Before entering through the service exit of Alex's building, he slipped his sunglasses onto his face. He then used the building's stairs instead of the elevator, to avoid the lobby and other people. 

As he exited the stairwell on Alex's floor, he saw a familiar face leaving Alex's apartment. Slipping back onto the stairwell, but still peeping past the door, Jordan watched as Damien stepped onto the elevator, a smile on Damien's face. I thought they were supposed to meet at his office? What's he doing at Alex's place? 

Taking a few moments and breaths to temper his flaring annoyance, Jordan checked the hall one last time to see that it was clear, then headed up the hall to Alex's door.

Alex looked good in her camisole and leggings. Her hair was down and her makeup was light and natural. She smiled with her arms open for a hug, but that didn't change the way Jordan was feeling.  

"Hey...what's the matter?" She said, stepping aside to let him into the small foyer, where they shared their first kiss. 

"I saw Damien getting on the elevator." 

"Oh my gosh, did he see you?!"

"Is that all you care about? What was he doing at your place? I thought you were meeting at his office and that you all were supposed to be finished an hour ago." He walked in and put is coat and scarf on the love seat.

"Ok, first of all, I need you to calm down. He never texted me his address and then just showed up super early at my door. It didn't make sense to turn him away, at that point. Our session went over, but nothing happened. It's not like that between him and I."

"It might not be like that for you, but your boy is seriously interested." Looking up, Jordan saw the bouquet of flowers on the counter. "Let me guess, those flowers are from Damien?"

"Yes, but...I didn't know he would do that. It was super weird." Alex walked up to Jordan, and cupped his face with her hands. "Look, he can bring flowers or show up to my spot, but that's not going to make me think about him in any other way than just a colleague."

"Maybe, but it'd be nice if you could let him know you had a man. Which you can't because we're a secret. He gets to come in and out of here as he pleases and be near you on a red carpet, while I'm sneaking around in the shadows like inspector gadget!"

Jordan knew if the tables were turned and there was a woman making moves on him, Alex would certainly want Jordan to communicate that he was in a relationship. He didn't get how Alex wasn't understanding his point of view. 

"Babe, there's more to us not going public, right now. I want us to have some time to build what we have going on before the whole world gets into the mix. I'm also on the cusp of taking my career to the next level and I don't want people to think I graduated to the 'A-List' just because I'm dating you. You know I'm not out here to use you like that."

"Alex, I know you're not using me. I just hate sneaking around like this." 

"Ok, but there's also my mom. She's lost a lot in her life and can be super emotional about the most random stuff. I'm the only person she has left; she and I have always been a little team. She might feel like a third wheel when she realizes how serious we are."

"I get that, but honesty is the best policy. Besides, with your career on the rise, she might surprise you and feel more comfortable with you having someone else in your life. I think you don't give her enough credit."   

Sighing Alex sad down on the couch, pulling Jordan down next to her. "Don't worry about Damien, or my mom, or any of that stuff. We're not going to be a secret forever...rule number four: never give up on us."

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