Chapter 29 - Jordan

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Jordan's eyes fluttered open and the bright beams of fluorescent light spilling from neat rows in the ceiling stung his eyes. His neck ached as he gingerly turned it to the right trying to find the source of the steady beeping sound. It was the heart monitor next to his hospital bed measuring each pulse and confirming life.

The last thing he remembered was rushing into his house and seeing cadet Darcy pointing a gun at Alex, who was on the floor. Jordan knew Alex was in trouble before he'd arrived on the scene, but he couldn't believe what he'd come home to. When he called out to Alex, her eyes were filled with both fear and relief. He couldn't pull his eyes away from her until he knew she would be safe. He wanted to help her--to save her-- however, before he could move or say a word, he began to fall. On the way down, he recalled a scorching heat spreading over his skin. He must have been on fire because the pain was searing and unbearable. He tried to move, but his body felt anchored like he was nailed to the ground. His mind raced: Did I just get shot? Am I going to die? I hope Alex lives. I love her... the darkness swallowed him.

He wasn't aware of how much time had passed between then and now and he had a million questions. Where is Alex? Did Darcy shoot her? Why did Darcy have a gun, in the first place? Please, God, let Alex be alive!

Jordan's body felt sore and his limbs were stiff, but he was determined to get out of the bed and find out what happened to Alex. In an effort to moisten his throat, Jordan swallowed and managed a whisper, "Alex?" He cleared his throat and was able to croak a louder call, "Alex?"

"Yes, baby, I'm right here!" Alex said, rushing to his bedside. Relief washed over him when her beautiful face appeared. Her eyes were watery as she smiled at him then leaned down to kiss his lips.

"Jordan, you're awake! You should drink some water," she jumped up and returned a second later with a bottle of water and straw. The ache in his throat faded with every cold swallow.

"Do you have any chapstick?" Jordan said, in a much clearer tone. Alex laughed out loud with a nod. Although he had yet to know if his legs worked, or how this incident would affect his acting career, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude that his amazing girlfriend was not only uninjured but at his side laughing with him. Alex applied the lip balm to his lips and gave him another kiss.

"Let me know if you need anything. You're parents left to get some food, but they'll be back very soon. They're going to be so happy to see you awake!" she lowered the bed's guardrail and sat next to him.

"Are you okay," Jordan said quietly reaching for Alex's hand, careful not to tug on the IV in his arm.

"Jordan, I'm fine. I'm worried about you. You had surgery last night." Alex softly rubbed the back of his hand. "Thank goodness the two bullets that hit you only caused flesh wounds in your left arm and leg. There was a good bit of blood loss, but you got to the hospital in time."

"So I'll be able to walk?"

"And drive," Alex said with a smile. "Vince told me how you knew to come back." She said after a few quiet moments passed. "Normally I would be upset, but given the situation, I'm not mad. I'm actually incredibly grateful you had that type of foresight."

Jordan gave Alex a knowing smirk. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

The birthstone necklace he had gifted Alex wasn't an ordinary piece of jewelry. After she began receiving death threats, Jordan was worried she wasn't taking them seriously enough. He asked Vince if there were any discrete security devices that could alert them, in case Alex got into any trouble. Vince suggested the necklace because it was easily customizable and although it didn't tell them where Alex was, the electronic clasp had a built-in motion sensor which would trigger an alarm or text notice if it was ever broken. Jordan didn't want to invade Alex's privacy, so he liked that it didn't have a GPS tracking device. He also didn't need the tracking since he and Alex always told one another where they would be. 

He'd known Alex would be going straight to his house after her fitting, that evening, because she had her commercial in the morning. When he and Vince were heading to the studio and both of their phones lit up with the emergency notification, they made the driver turn the car around, immediately.  

"You should have told me about the necklace, though. I'm not mad, but it was kind of shady keeping it a secret...and dangerous. Suppose she never snatched it off of my neck? At least had I known, I could have just pulled it off of my own neck the second I saw her drawing a mustache on my picture in that closet."

Jordan gave Alex a sideways glance, "Alex, had I told you, you never would have worn it in the first place. Am I wrong about that?" Alex pretended to contemplate the question, then shook her head, 'no'.

"Like I said," she spoke softly "I'm forever saved my life."

This time it was Jordan's turn to shake his head.  "No. I saved my life, Alex..." Jordan reached up slowly and tucked a strand of hair behind Alex's ear, "...because you are my life." 

Alex carefully slipped on to open space to the right of Jordan on the wide bed. She placed her head on his shoulder and he rested his head on hers. Holding Alex's hand and listening to her relaxed breathing, Jordan knew he would be alright.

The couple's quiet moment was short lived when they heard a soft tap at the door. Jordan smiled as his mother and father walked into the hospital room, their faces bright with hope and relief. Not far behind, Jordan's parents was another familiar, but unexpected face. Alex sat up abruptly at the sight of Pamila Montgomery walking through the door, then closing it behind her.   

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