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{Please excuse any of my mistakes and typos 😭💜}



Knock, knock, knock!

"I know you're in there. Open the door sweetness."

Indigo wiped her face and sat up in bed. How did he find my room? "Go away!"

"I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay. Open the door and let me see you."

She rolled her eyes and got up, going over to the door. Looking out the peephole Morris stood looking around suspiciously. "C'mon and open up before I get jacked." He whispered harshly leaning in. She almost laughed but pushed it away when unlocking and cracking the door. "What Morris?"

He looked her over and Indigo swore she saw an emotion outside of his ego. "You in here cryin' over little man?"

"What does it matter to you? You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"That's not true. I care about my lead singer, whom I put a lot of money into already. I can't have her bailing because of someone like the Kid."

She sighed and went to close the door until his cane stopped it. "Alright, alright. What I said is true..and I also care for my own reasons if you're okay."

"Why are you so mean to him? What did he ever do to you for all of this?" Morris sighed and rubbed his mustache. "That's a long story."

"I have time." He slightly rolled his eyes before giving her a look. "Let me in first." Indigo slowly opened the door door him. "No judging, I know the place is dingy." He walked in and looked around until his eyes landed on her. "Why nothing is dingy with a beauty like you around."

"Yeah yeah. Have a seat—at the table."

They sat down at the little rounded table, Morris first taking off his coat. "Don't get too comfortable now."

"Calm down little lady, you have the heat up in here."

"Sorry, let me turn it down a little."

"No it's fine. It's your place." He smirked and put his cane on the table. Indigo felt he was acting strangely. He'd never bothered to check on anyone but himself and surely never did anything unless it was to his benefit. "What do you really want Morris Day?"

"I want whatever you want."

"Well I want a spot at the club without kicking Kid out of his. Why can't we all just play and get along?"

Morris scoffed, "Because business doesn't work like that. Billy needs money makers so the acts can get paid. You wanna get paid right? I know you do because this is no place for you."

"You can't stand him. Every time he comes into a room you always have something to say. He doesn't like you either, why? What happened for you guys to hate each other so much?"

"First of all I don't hate Jr. He hates me because I'm the more talented muthafuka. We were all cool until—" Morris stopped himself and seemed to go into deep thought, rubbing his mustache again. Indigo stared at him, waiting for a response. "Until what?"

"...Until I told him the truth." He chuckled and played with his cane. "His mother was a rebound. Mine got tired of Francis being a petty club piano player and moved on with her life. I can't help that his mother got stuck with his drunk ass."

"Wait..what are you talking about? Who is Francis?"

"Francis L. Kiddings, Indigo. Francis L. Jr and I's father."

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