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Joshua was practicing with the rest of Seventeen, when a ringtone sounded through the room. The ringtone was 'Hometown Smile' and Joshua only knew one number with that ringtone. "Can I take this?" He asked.

The rest of the group nodded and Joshua sprinted over to his phone.

"Hi baby bro!" A familiar voice came through the phone. "How's life?"

"Pretty good. How about you?" He responded in his native tongue.

"Oh." The voice sheepishly laughed. "I kinda need you to do me a favor."

"You do realize I'm in Korea right?" Joshua asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes, I do realize that, that's why I need a ding dang favor."

"Wait your in Korea?!"

"Yeah- about that, so I was coming to visit you. But, I kinda got arrested. Apparently Koreans don't like people spray painting walls or skateboarding around."

"YOU GOT ARRESTED?!" He shrieked. Vernon looked over at him confused.

The voice laughed. "Yup. Oops. So can you come get me baby bro?"

Joshua groaned. "Sure where are you?"

The voice told him the address of the jail and hung up. He scrambled to look decent. And practically ran out of the room. 

"I'll go follow him." Jeonghan offered then ran after Joshua.

Skater Sis (Seventeen Sibling AU)Where stories live. Discover now