What'd they do?

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Ring, ring, ring my phone goes. Ring, ring, ring again. It's Finn, but I don't know if I should talk to him right now. Not because he took me to a bad chinese take-out place, not because I don't have feelings for him. But because I talked to Tyler and he told me to keep my distance from him. I want to tell him everything, everything, but how do you tell someone who you are newly dating that you can never see me naked due to scars that I have. That if he ever dreams of having kids he has to do it with someone else, because you can't have any. Due to severe torture that happen to you at a drunken high school party. Well I guess you can say it exactly like that, but actually doing it.

"Hello, can I get a human present with me and an answer to why you're in lala land right now." Chloe says sass like.

"Sorry, just been wondering how I tell Finn about that party. Tyler told me not to..." I explain

"What gives him the right to tell you what to do. If you want to tell Finn, then do it." she incourage

"He was there, at the party. If it weren't for him, the situation would of been worse for me. He said that he walked into the room I was blacked out in and pull a guy off of me."

"Ohh Megan, I'm so sorry. But you should tell him, he has the right to know. He won't run if that's what Tyler is afraid of."

"No, he's afraid I'll run away from him... I've dated before, had a relationship with this guy. When I told him about the party, he treated me differently. Shutted me out, he was always watching out for what he was saying, made me feel like I needed to have some type of protection. Like I was a fragile doll that you can't put down or else it will break. Once I realise that I will always be in a box, I left him."

"He won't do that to you, he use to date someone who was in a mental hospital. He treated her like every other person."

"You don't think he's want to box me in from the world. Not take me to any raves, any parties that have alcohol, start driving a car with tinted windows. Start caring a gun, or beat someone up when they accidentally bump into me?"

"He may beat someone up but everything else. Won't know till you take a chance." She calms me down. My phone rings again, Finn for the fifth time today. "Go, call him and talk." I smile, picking up the phone.

"Hey you."

"Oyi, I've been trying to call you for the past hour. I miss you." those three simple words, makes a chill feeling run down my spine.

"I miss you too," my voice cracks, "We need to talk, I have some things to tell you. Can we meet today?"

"Yes of course, right now. There's a place at a park I've been wanting to take you too."

"Sounds great, say in ten minutes?"

"See you then luv. Bye"

"Au revoir" I hang up the phone

"You know french?" Chloe sounds surprised

"Oui, je dois aller voir mon homme. On se parle plus tard." Running out the door with my phone in hand, his jacket around my arms.

Minutes go by, and I see him there. Laying down on a blanket, a picnic basket next to him.

"Bonjour mon amour, tu es mignon aujourd'hui"

"What'd you say to me?"

"Hello my love, you're looking cute today." he smiles, I sit next to him. He kisses me, softly.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?"

"I just need you to sit there and just listen. Can you do that?"

"This sounds serious, I'm sorry I should of asked you where you wanted to go. We can lea-" Kissing him

"This spot is perfect," he smiles. Taking a deep breath in, "My senior year of high school, I was invited to this party. It wasn't for any special occasion, some guy's parents were out of town. Once my group of friends and I got there, they left me. Went off to get drinks, talk to guys, or dance on some random people. One of the girls came back to me, with a cup in her hand, I didn't know what was in it. But I know for sure there was some type of alcohol in it. It gave me a good buzz, then they convinced me to take multiple shots. It was one after another, I didn't feel well. I went to an empty bedroom, I passed out right on the bed. When I woke up..." I grabbed his hand, moving it under my shirt. So he can feel the scars from the cuts and burns, his eyes went cold and sad. "I woke up to bruises and cuts on me. Had three broken ribs, both eyes were black, burns on my stomach next to a few more cuts. My leg was badly fractured, had to wear a case up to four months. I stayed home, I couldn't face anyone's face there. I did all of my homework, did tests on the weekends. I was offered to walk with my class. But I didn't..."

"What else? I have a feeling you aren't telling me everything."

"Due to how badly I was beaten and cut, I can't have kids..." he pulls me in. Hugging me tightly, we lay there down on the blanket. Crying into his embrace. "Thank you for telling me."

"I had to, Finley Nelson, you mean a lot to me. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I trust you."

"I trust you too." he kisses my forehead.

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