Birthday Party to remember

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Driving back into town, when we come up to my place. He gets off the bike and giving me a look of "I did something."

"Okay, what did you do?" I asked

"What makes you think I did something?"

"Tell me."

"Nothing, but do wear this." he pulls a bandana from his back pocket.

"Ohh, you didn't..." I am going to kill him, he threw me a surprise party, "should of known it was Chop in the phone."

"It wasn't Chop," raising a brow at him,"it was Archie and Chop."

"I hate you," getting up from his bike, going to my door walking in. Finn following behind me, unlocking the door, going in stands Chop trying to tell everyone to get into place. Izzy points me out.

"SURPRISE!" coming from many different people. Anger and frustration flows through my face, looking at Archie, Finn and Chop. Signalling them to go into the other room, following behind them. Shutting the door behind me, taking in a deep breath.

"Who's the that decided that I," pausing, "WANTED A FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY!?" getting so angry at them, all though I know their intentions were good but still.

"Finn thought it would be a good idea, doing something nice for you. And Chop just wanted a party of the century. All I did was invite people." Chop and Finn hitting Archie on each arm.

"Sorry Megan, but you can't throw everyone out right now. That wouldn't be very lady like." Chop trying to joke, not working very well. But my eyes weren't on the boys, it was on Finn.

"Fine, have fun at this party. I'm going to Joe's and STAYING THERE!" making my point very clear.

"Lads, excuse me and the princess here." Finn speaks, Chop and Archie leave.

"What? Did you really think that I would want a stupid fucking party? Where there isn't a lot of room. Only two bathrooms, an empty fridge, one bedro-" I babble, he walks up to me. Not wanting to be near him, I back up. My body is up against the door, Finn and I face to face.

"If you really want those people to leave, say so. I'll go make it happen, or I can go grab a few drinks, some food. Then you and I can stay here. Which would you like?" he asks, realizing how ridiculous I was about this.

"Or I can suck it up, have a few beers. And have fun with my friends and bo-" cutting myself off, "lets just go." faking laughing, opening the door joining the rest. Chop walks up to me, looking like a puppy who knows they did something wrong.

"So, what's it gonna be?" he asks, looking at my bedroom door, Finn walks out of it. Looking back at Chop, giving him a smile.

"Turn that shit up and let's have ourselves A PARTY!" everyone starts screaming, turning the music up to the point of no one hearing one another. Turning off the light, letting the colorful disco ball light up the room. My body moving to the rhyme of the music, my hair swaying from side to side. The party lasted a good four hours, dancing to the music, taking shots, doing some more dancing, followed by more shots. Chop decided to do spin the bottle in my room, I went into the room a few time, twice with Chop, once with Archie, haven't gone in with Finn yet. But Archie and I had a good chat, he understands my feeling of moving here. He got to talk about his boy trouble, Archie seems like a really good talk. Sitting on the floor in my room, Chop spinning the bottle, it lands on me.

"OOHH Megan, who's gonna go in with you this time?" he gets everyone pumped up. The bottle spins round and round, the sound of it slowing down got my blood rushing. I know I shouldn't be nervous but I was, I didn't know who I was gonna get. The bottle gets slower, points to the one person. He takes my hand, leading me to the bathroom. The door shuts behind us.

"Finn..." we look into each others eyes, his looks towards my lips. His hands grab my hips, picking me up. Placing me on the counter, my legs wrap around his waist. Our breathe starts to shorten, he leans in closer to me. Our lips, inches apart, I couldn't wait any longer. My hands flow through his hair, pulling his face into mine. My lips crash into his, soft kisses, pulling his hair a little. Our bodies pushing against each others, my hands going to take off his jacket. It falls on the floor, he starts to unzip, exposing my back. Just as I was about to lift his shirt up, Chop knocks on the door.

"Times up lovebirds." Finn zipped my dress up, he puts his jacket on. Fixing his messy hair, he kisses me on the cheek. Getting flustered, my cheeks burning up. Walking back into my room with the other guests. Keeping my face straight, not making eye contact with anyone. Finn sat right next to Chloe.

"Alright everyone, last game of tonight." Chop announces, he spins the bottle. It spins round and round, landing on Finn again. He looks at me, giving a smile, maybe he and I can have the last round. Chop spins the bottle again, but it doesn't land on me. It lands on Chloe, she looks towards me. Making sure that I was paying attention to the situation, she stands up taking Finn's hand. They walk into the bathroom, I stood up walking into the kitchen. Taking a cherry jello shot, then poured myself a cup of vodka and gin. I needed something strong, to at least take this night away. Sitting up on the counter, sipping the cup, I see Archie leaving my room. He sees me, walking towards me.

"Hey Megan."

"Archie," taking a swig, "how's it going in there?" I ask

"They are still in the bathroom, not a lot of noises coming from there." he answers, taking another swig, "What you drinking there?"

"Drinking my night away, I'd offer you some put there isn't enough there to have two people sharing it." I laugh

"You get funny when you are drunk."

"When did you get a twin?" I point to the side of him

"Are you seriously that drunk already?"

"No i'm just fucking with you, you're a triplet right?" I joke

"You are not very funny." he says sarcastically, "you really like Finn don't you?" he asks

"Yeah, I do," took a pause to finish my drink, "I don't know, we just click. I started liking him before he and I ever started a conversations. He just has this effect on me, he seemed like this complete ass. Which was always my type, the ones I'm attracted to. But once he and I got to talk, like actually talk. He didn't seem like that, but he's in there with Chloe, and I know she's your friend and all but jeez she's such a bi-"

"A bitch, I am going to tell you right now. You don't want her on your bad side, we use to have this girl in our gang named Rae. They were best mates, but at times they fought. To the point that she almost got her out of the group. Chloe has always had a crush on Finn, she sent him love letters. I still think to this day he doesn't know that they were from her. But Rae and Finn went out so that gave Chloe another reason to try and go after him...." he pauses seeing the shock in my face. How pale I got, Finn had another ex. And I didn't know about it, "shit, you didn't know did you?" I shook my head, everyone that was in my bedroom came out. Some of them left, and then a bunch others too. Chloe walks out, swipes her thumb across her bottom lip. Finn, adjusting his jacket, I knew at that point. Of what had happened or at least my assumption of the truth. Finn and I's eyes met. I shook my head of disappointment, I grabbed a blanket from the couch and ran out and into the coffee shop. No one but me had the keys, and you can't enter my place from the coffee shop. I decided to make myself a cup of coffee, so that I can start to sober up. The smell of a dark vanilla roast brewing fills up the cafe.

I can see some people passing through the window, I had sure to duck. I don't think my boss would appreciate me opening after hours. Once my coffee was ready, I brought the pot and cup with me to the booth. Where I curled into a ball, wrapping myself in the blanket. Sipping my hot coffee, I pulled out my phone and messaged my boss. Letting him know that I was in the cafe and that I will be paying for the coffee that I made. Although I was still a bit drunk, I had to take in what Archie said. I'm cool with everyone in the gang but her, and for my reasons. I knew that they were stupid. I decided to text her, asking if she could meet me in front of the coffee shop. She agreed.

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