Of Cookies & Cases

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"Y/n? Y/n!" Y/n opened her eyes. Seeing her father and mother standing over her, faces filled with concern. "Are you alright, darling?". Huh? A dream, then?

She blinked, then hopped out of bed, waving them off. "Yes, yes. I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me..." She ushered them out and threw on some clothes. She looked at her self in the mirror and smiled. She was sporting a burgundy-colored turtleneck shirt and matching beanie with black leggings and black boots. ' A detective does always have a signature look. Is this mine?' she did a few more turns in the mirror, unsure if she should start the day with such boldness. 

"Y/n! Downstairs!"

"Coming father!" She yells. grabbing her favorite notebook and pen, and throwing open her door, skidding down the hallway, and leaped over stairs two at a time, entering the kitchen.

Her father was sitting in his seat, reading the paper, to which she hollered, "Anything interesting, Father?", and his usual reply of, "Not much."

Y/n rolled her eyes, then walked towards her mother. Her mother's back was turned to everyone, and the way her arms moved indicated she was doing something. "Mother?" You raise a brow, trying to look over her shoulder. "What are you making?"

Her mother whipped around, smiling brightly. In her mitten-covered hands were freshly-baked steaming chocolate chip cookies.

"Who is that for?" Y/n queried, for her mother never made anything that nice for her own family.

"Why, a little girl has just moved in with that lovely couple next door." Her mom emptied the tray into a tin can, wrapping a large red bow around it.

"A girl, you say? Interesting. You open your notepad, jotting down what you have learned. Information is important, in the event that a case is announced.

"Yes! So be a dear, and bring these cookies to-" "Of course, mom!" you grab the can out of her hand, kissing both her and your father on the cheek, then grabbed your petticoat off the hook. "Be back in a jiffy!" You were eager to meet this girl. Perhaps an adventure was amiss!

"Huh? Oh! O-okay honey! Do be caref-"

Y/n shut the door before she could finish her sentence, racing down the sidewalk, eyes bright.

"The game is afoot!"

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to read  'Of   Cookies & Cases of The dummy's dummy AU! I will be updating very soon. You should meet Paris in the next chapter! What do you guys think of the story so far? What will happen next?

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