Of a Soldier's Final Breath

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"Did you hear?!"

Y/n didn't look up as her mother walked through the door, her hands full with groceries, plopping them onto the kitchen counter.

Her father was the first to respond, as Y/n was quite out of it since the... incident last night.

"What is it dear?"

To which Y/n responded with a roll of the eyes. Her mother frowned, unfamiliar with her daughter's newfound silence. Still, that wouldn't perturb her from sharing her shocking news.

"You know that young woman who's son's birthday party Y/n crashed last year?"

"My client proposed it as a meeting place!" And just like that, Y/n's reign of silence was over. "It wasn't my fault they failed to notify me of the party."

Now it was her father's turn to roll his eyes.

"Anyway," her mother carried on. "It seems her son has been kidnapped!"

"W-what?" Y/n leaped up, grabbing her trench, and headed for the door. "You should've told me sooner! Why don't you ever just get to the point?"

Her mother furrowed her brow, exchanging glances with her father.

"Now young lady..."

"I'm off! I'll be back before late."
And just like that, she was gone.
A bunch of people were huddled together, chatting, looking worriedly over at the small flat labeled 304.

"Isn't that Leslie?"

"...Her son..kidnapped"

"...Can't imagine.."

At the edge of the small group was a tall figure in a black cloak, unidentifiable due to his large hood, definitely not raising suspicion in any of the onlookers, regardless of his appearance.

The suspicious figure was, in fact , our Paris, and he wasn't here to chat.

After a few moments of muttering to himself(we all know he's very prone to doing so) he leaped up towards the window, unbeknownst to our ridiculous spectators.

As he leveled in on the room, what he saw took him aback.

"Well now-!"

It was a girl, one he'd come to know in the few days he'd come back to life. A girl named Y/n.

She had snuck in while the neighbors were chatting, and had started to conduct her investigation.

"Well well well! What do we have here?" She took a photo of some mysterious black goo, and scooped some into a baggie, seeping it shut with her white gloves hands.

Paris stood still, perched on the windowsill, trying his very best not to look shocked.

"No I don't suppose I've seen anything like this before... I'll have to look at it under my scope later..."

She still hadn't noticed Paris, giving him what he thought was enough time to jump out.

As he leaped, a hand came down on his trench, grasping the material. "And where do you think you're going?"

As he turned, Y/n had a smug look on her face, clearly satisfied with her reflexes, until she saw who she was holding, shrieked, and stepped back.

"I-it's you!"

Paris brushed his clothes off, straightening his tie. "I do have a name you know."

"Oh right," Y/n's eyes suddenly lit up, and a ghost of a grin appeared on her face.

"Is it...Bordeaux?"

"What? No...you're joshing me, right?"

"Really? It's not? Oh! I know! Versailles!"




"Don't tell me! It's Luxembourg!"

"That's...not even in France anymore. And could you stop acting so cheeky?" Paris seemed to be holding back from a smile, but when she said the last one, he had to laugh at her ignorance.

His laughing was like ripples in a still pond after a stone has been thrown in. It radiated outwards through the room, filling Y/n's ears with it's lovely melody.

It's a sound she had never heard in a thousand years and a sound she would wait another thousand to hear. She smiled as he tried to stop, and knew she never wanted this moment to end.

Y/n gasped, and Paris stared at her with concern. "Miss?" He stepped closer, and she could swear her heart was beating out of her chest.

I'm in love...

She stared at Paris, as his smile slowly turned into a frown.

With a puppet.

This can't be happening.


She shook her head, stared up at him, frowning. "What is it?"

"I asked what you were doing here, but you spaced out on me. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Y/n let out a shaky breath, and climbed out the window, only to loose her balance, and fall.

The ground seems quite eager to meet me...

She felt her hand grasped by another, and another around her waist, and her feet were placed on the ground.

Y/n took one wobbly step forward, and collapsed. Paris caught her, and refused to let her go as he sauntered towards Yumi's house.

That's all you guys! Part two drops tomorrow, then I'll leave you hanging for another week till next Sunday! *Evil laughs.

What do you guys think is wrong with Y/n? I mean sure, she fell for our puppet, but are symptoms of love usually that brutal?

Or is she simply....joking?(That's a nice hint tho).

Brit slang: Cheeky~Silly/Mischievous. Let me know if I said any others you might not recognize.

A tout à l'heure!~Joline

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