Of Dolls & Discomfort

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Y/n froze, fingers slowly inching away from the velvety surface, and turned to Yumi.

"Did you say something?"

"N-no..? I thought you did."

Y/n shrugs and reaches for the back again, but is stopped as the puppet turns around, lashing out at them.

"AY! Bugger off will you, you old cod! How many times do I gotta....Oh."

The thing looks at Yumi, now holding it in shock. Her face, if possible, has gone paler than usual. Y/n is long gone, behind a column of boxes, peering out shakily.

"You're not him... I apologize for the outburst, miss..?! Miss? Please stop that!" Yumi was now crying hysterically.

Meanwhile, Y/n looks around for an exit.

"There's got to be one somewhere... Blimey! Where is it!"

She whisper-screamed, glancing every now and then at Yumi's captor.

The demonitized puppet had started to grow, larger, until it was about a head taller than Yumi, whose just about had enough of this nonsense, and fell into a faint, falling to the ground. The puppet swept her up in one scoop.

By that time, Y/n had gathered up her courage to save Yumi from it. She screamed, running towards it with a mop, and swung. It dodged her, grabbed the mop, and threw it across the room.

"Two of you? What's going on today?"

The doll sidestepped her lunge, and she tripped, falling to the ground.

"What are you? Give me Yumi now!"

She snarled at it, picking herself up.

"Is that her name? Good to know... Might I ask yours, miss?"

He cocked his head at Y/n innocently smiling. Y/n frowned. This thing didn't seem to want to hurt Yumi or her, as it kept evading her advances, but never making one itself. She decided reasoning with it was her best option.

"They call me Y/n."

The puppet smiled endearingly.


She opened her mouth to speak when the basement rumbled with yet another horrible growl from Thing #2 upstairs.

"What was that?"

She decided to respond.

"A Teddy Bear, if you can call it that. It was a gift from Yumi's guardian, but it turned rabid, though why it was alive in the first place, I shouldn't know."

The doll stood straight, eyes flashing.

"Teddy bear? It couldn't be.."

The doll placed Yumi gently in Y/n's arms, and stormed up the stairs, muttering the words,

" Him and his creations.. the fool!... Just dump it all on me....fine!"

"Umm...sir?" Y/n raises a brow, following behind the puppet anxiously. "Are you alright?"

"Absolutely swell!"

Before she could react, the puppet through open the basement door, making the teddy bear fly backward with impact. The teddy bear swayed on his feet, growling.

"Teddy! It was good seeing you and all, but I am afraid your existence is overdue."

The puppet spoke in a singsong voice, gazing at the bear almost lovingly.

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