Of Teddy bears & Tumbles

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*Ding Dong!*

'No answer. Should I try again?'

*Ding Dong!!*

'Nothing. Maybe no one's home? No..there are two cars in the driveway. Maybe just once more.' Y/n goes back to the door ready to pound the doorbell hard as she could when she sees the doorknob start to turn.

Y/n rides back on her heels and tries for a smile. 

The door opens and an anxious-looking young woman greets her. "Y/n! What a pleasure! Is that for Yumi? Come in! Come in! I bought a gift for her too, you know! An adorable teddy I found in an antique store! I really hope she likes it..." The woman's voice fades a little, her face changing from delight to anticipation."What if she doesn't? Oh no..." She shakes her head, muttering to herself as she takes the cookies to the kitchen, leaving Y/n in the foyer.

She shrugs and turns to start up the stairs, as she figured Yumi might be in her room. I wonder what kind of person is she li- BAM! 

A door swings open and something stops her train of thought, as it skids down a hall, racing down the stairs.

A young girl, pale as can be. With bright purplish-red eyes and long white-blond hair, Yumi could've passed for a vampire, had she not look so frightened by- what exactly?

"Yumi, is it?" Y/n held her hand out towards the girl, pasting a smile on her face. "I've come to interview you, so if you don't m-!" Yumi stopped long enough to grab Y/n's arm, pulling her away from the stairs. "W-we have to go!" as she tugged along, Y/n noticed a slight tremor of in Yumi's hands. Something had frightened her. But what?


That's what.

A large Bear with its eye gouged out and trailing stuffing on the floor, bounded towards them out of the door Yumi had burst out of moments before.

"What the dickens is that?!" Y/n ejaculated, now running at top speed and dragging Yumi along. "I-I don't know! O-one moment I had that bear my guardian gave me, the next, it started talking, and t-turned into that!"

Interesting. Perhaps the bear was a defected animatronic of some sort?

"The basement!" Yumi pulled them inside and bolted the door shut while Y/n wandered down. "Perhaps something here can help us?" Yumi said, glancing upstairs nervously. "Quite right Yumi. We need to find something fast to do away with that thing, especially since it might give up and find Miss Nora. Think, anything look out of the ordinary to you?" 

Yumi eyes a small black box in the rubble, and fishes it out. Y/n joins her, and together they pry open the box to find...

"A toy?!" Yumi cries out in exasperation, then flushes and looks away. "S-sorry. I'm just frustrated."

"No need Yumi, this doesn't seem like just any toy..."

It was an antique puppet, a quite beautiful one at that. She could tell it was generously made. The doll was made of porcelain, with rose-colored cheeks and a plastered smile that look mischevious in the dim lighting. The doll's clothes were of an old-fashioned aristocratic setting, with a soft velvety tuxedo and a red, satin bow. "Judging by the worn but cared for look of its clothes, I'd say it was made a long time ago. The absence of branding on the back of the neck suggests it was handmade, not manufactured. And  it's back.." Y/n motioned for Yumi to turn the doll around. "There's something there, sharp to the touch." She moved her hand towards the back, skimming across the surface.


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to read 'Of Teddy bears & Tumbles of The dummy's dummy AU! I will be updating very soon. Who do you think said "Hey!"? What do you guys think of the story so far? What will happen next?

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