Update (Again)

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Believe me when I say I'm trying.

She's really not.

Did anyone ask you, Jolette?

Nope. But I always thought your story was trash, and here we are.

(Sigh) What I'm trying to say is...it's not you, it's me.

Sounds like a breakup.

Would you bug off? Anyway. I'm getting filled to the brim with notifications of people commenting, voting. Liking my story. I mean, 2K reads?

What she's saying is she'll try to post on Sunday's again. But if she doesn't, I'll force her.

Despite wanting to contradict her, my sis is right. I'll be updating more frequently these following months and I'll even have holiday specials if you'd like.

That's it from ya girl, See ya in the funny papers!

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