5: Chances are meant not to be taken

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"Ice!.... Kyle!" Laiza shouted from the shoreline. She even wave her hands to see if were aware. And listening.

I am fully aware that this well be the last scene for the video project.Theyre well be no lines this time, just the  emotions according to Laiza, and I personally don't get it. 

I let out a sigh and face Kris, swallow a watermelon.

"I heard Laiza calling you. You go now, and I'll eat. " I roll my eyes.

"And stare the group of guys there." I pointed the group of shirtless boys over there." I said to here.

"Whatever" she replied.

Apparently, were in the beach. Laiza told us to bring friends if you want, so I have Kris with me, in this cottage feeling the sea breeze. Since, it's weekend and I haven't been to beach since Kris birthday so I have this urge to swim, that's why I wear beachy red shorts and a V-neck peach shirt.(Trivia: I don't swim shirtless. I hate it.)

    I throw my the lemon found from the table to Kris. She give me this look that made me laugh so hard. Imagine , half of her face is a mess maybe because she eat watermelon and I start to take steps.

"Wait! Tell Kyle thank you for this!" She shouted.

Yeah. I should thank him too. He expense everything, given that they own this beach resort. But, thinking all of that and knowing Kyle. I think I will just send Kris thank you to him except mine.I slowly move my bare feet to the sand a look around to have a 360 view.

I found him.

Kyle is seating with a big umbrella. And I also saw Laiza. Who's sweating and eager to start this shit. I lit a smile. Just then Kyle's eyes come across time. 

It was horrible. I've never had an eye contact with a guy, almost shirtless. It's unbutton and his chiseled chest shows.

Our eyes meet again and this time I don't wanna think I am checking him out. I turn my eyes to left.

"Ice, take off your shirt." Laiza near us.

In my shock, I have my eyes open wide.

"W-wait. What? Is it really necessary?" I complain to Laiza and try to avoid look to his direction.

Just nice. Laiza really answer me.

"Should I have to take off my shorts too?" Kyle again being Kyle.  

I don't know if his joking. But he didn't do it. I think he did it to tease me. Does he notice the irregularities?

Still on my position and same distance from him. Laiza started giving instructions. I have to always smile. Simple isn't it.

"...after this. We will wait for the sunset and shoot the very last, like the last of the last guys. I need your patience..." stop for awhile and look to my direction.

She drag me to Kyle's side, and I hit his bicep I guess. I try to go back but Laiza stop me. I can't afford to say something. I don't know why. But I pretty sure that it's clearly translated to in my reaction.

His on Laiza side of this drama. His even smiling. But not that big.

"...Ice. What's with the distant? As far as I know, Kyle doesn't have communicable diseases. Guess what, he it have STD." Laiza joke around, still holding me to near Kyle.

"Yucks" I burst out. And laugh.

"Yuck? It's not true" he defended his pride, criss-crossing his arm in front of his chest

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