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5 years have come and gone and I guess I should tell everyone more information on what's happened the last five years. Um, I have another son, Emery who is 4 years old and he is the baby I had after Axel rapped me. Axel is in prison for my rape and isn't supposed to be released for another two years. I have a life long Personal Protection Order against him for not only myself but for Emery and Evenessence as well as Axel's parental rights have been terminated.

When I managed to escape the motel room, I called the police and Axel was arrested a week later when he was found. The police officer took me to the hospital for my injuries and then was kind enough to take me home so I didn't have to have one of my mum's come and fetch me. Thankfully when I arrived home all four of the kids were sleeping so they didn't have to see me in the state I was in; an absolute mess. When I found out I was pregnant with Emery, I cried almost everyday for about two months; not because of him but how he had gained life.

Evenessence is now 7 years old and absolutly adores his little brother and his CP has progressed negitivly some over the years but nothing that I cannot handle. His hearing is almost gone but along with signing he does talk and within the this year or next will probably have to use a walker but that's abosulty fine, whatever helps him. His lung problems are not much worse so that is a positive but over all our oldest baby boy is still very happy and healthy as long as he isn't introduced too many strangers.

I have meet someone whom I love dearly and with all of my heart. His name is Milo Reid and he is 27 years old and has a daughter of his own from a previous relationship. Callie is 5 years old and she absoultly adores and is very protective of Evenessence and Emery and they feel the same way about Callie. Mama meet Milo at her work and she introduced him and I when she had invited myself and my boys to dinner and she invited him the same night.

He and I hit it off right away but because of Axel, I was terrified that he would do the same to me. Milo proved me wrong though by being persistant but took our relationship at my pace and I finally realized he wasn't out to hurt me. We've been together the last two and a half years and yes he knows about Evenessence's condition as well as how Emery came to life. Callie's mum died giving birth to her.

Mummy ended up having another little girl; Regina Marie and she is 5 years old. Rachel is 9 years, Ezra is 12 years and Ethan is 14 years old. I do spend time with my dad's children once they were old enough for them all to visit when Trent would bring Harmony and Harper since they're the youngest.

Milo and Callie, my two boys and myself all have moved into a new home together six months ago. Milo and I had been talking about liviing together for about four months prior to that but neither of our places were big enough to accomidate the five of us. We ended up selling our houses and moving into a five bedroom house about four miles from my old home.

Every other Friday we have family dinner night at our home with Milo's parents (both men) Mark and Mitchell, Milo's little sister, Anika who is 16 years old and my siblings (both sets) and mama and mummy. Thankfully our house is big enough to accomadate ninteen people in total.

Do I sometimes wish that my life had turned out differently, yes but I can honestly say that I am thankful my life turned out the way it did. If my life wasn't the way it is and was, I wouldn't be who I am nor would I have my two handsome boys and a beautiful daughter and the perfect for me man in my life. Nor would I have my brothers and sisters or my mum's.

Life will throw curve balls at you but these curveballs make you who you are supposed to be or will become. I believe this with my entire body and soul.

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