Chapter 2

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Arriving at mama's house, I find she's home with my siblings but the surprise is mummy is home early from work but I guess with today being Friday that shouldn't surprise me; she always tries to be home early for the weekends. Grabbing Evenessence's bag from the passenger seat, I climb out to unbuckle him from his seat before heading to the door. Before I can even knock on the door, it opens with mama a light squeal and a huge grin as she takes Evenessence gently from me.

"Hello my boys, how are we today?" she asks as she tickles Even on the belly making him giggle loudly as gives her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"We're good, mama. How is everyone here?" I ask following her into the house and shutting the door softly behind me. Hanging the diaper bag on a hook by the door, I slip my shoes off before taking Even's off and placing his on the floor by mine.

"Everyone's good, Every. How was Evenessence's appointment?" she asks settling herself on the floor with him in her lap near Ethan, Ezra and Rachel.

"Went well," I tell her not wanting to discuss his appointment beyond that for fear of bring up Axel the sexy as fuck male nurse. Turning my attention to my little siblings, saying, "Hey guys, how are you?"

Ethan and Ezra return my greeting before fully turning their attention their little nephew while Rachel smiles brightly at me. "I have a boyfriend!" she squeals out bouncing on her bottom. Raising an her in curiosity she giggles out, "His name is Charlie and he's in my class!"

"Oh really now?" I ask her not sure what to say about this topic since she is only 4 years old and in preschool.

Rachel hums at me in reply as she takes notice of Evenessence wobbly walking towards me, furiously sucking his his pacifier. He climbs into my lap, lying his head onto my chest as he pats my chest near his head. He's always like listening to my heart thump against my chest.

"Where's mummy?" I ask mama now realizing that her car was in the drive but she's not in the living room with us.

"She's upstairs napping, your littlest brother or sister is draining her energy alot lately." Mama smiles at me, reaffirming that they are even more excited about the newest Hanson child arriving. When mama and mummy married, mama took mummy's last name.

Nodding as I can understand this, I've seen it first hand when Emily was pregnant with our son and the times mama and mummy have been pregnant. About an hour later, as mama is making dinner mummy comes waddling down the stairs gently rubbing the palms of her hands into her eyes trying to clear the rest of her sleepiness from her eyes. I'll give her a few more minutes to fully wake before Evenessence and I greet her; knowing full well my son will wants cuddles from her.

"Hello my loves," mummy says in her sweet soothiing voice as she settles herself on the couch next to us after she greeted mama.

"Hi mummy, have a good rest?" I ask as Evenessence leans toward her, mumbling out na-na.

He calls mummy na-na and mama nah-ney. She gently takes him into her side, kiss his cheek before he returns the favor but with a huge sloppy one and a giggle. Resting his head on her shoulder as he cuddles into her side as she gently rubs his back with one hand as she rubs her belly with the other.

She hums at me in reply as she continues to rub my son's back and her huge belly. "His appointment go alright?" It was my turn to hum at her in response gaining a weird look from her.

"Every," Ezra asks coming to sit on my lap, snuggling into my hold.

"Yeah buddy?" I ask holding him gently.

Ezra snuggles into my hold more sighing some. "I need help with a school project, could you help me, please?" he asks quietly.

"Sure, want to start working on it now before dinner is done?" He nods hopping off my lap to grab his school bag from his bedroom.

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