I Thought You Loved Me Part.2

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Ashton's P.O.V.

"Damn it." I hate it when that happens. Mainly because it's all the time. I got up off her and found my shirt lying on Aona's desk. She fixed herself and left to go get the door. Who ever it was just kept ringing the bell like it was made for them. I looked at myself in Aona's mirror and saw how messed up I looked. I looked like shit. How could Aona love someone like this. My thoughts were interrupted by Aona calling my name.

"Ash it's for you."

I ran down the steps skipping a few. As soon as i got down there I saw a face that I never thought I would see again.

"Hey boo. Did you miss me?" The girl in the door said walking to me. I backed away as quickly as possible.

"Um Ash....Why is she calling you boo?" Aona asked a mask of confusion placed upon her face.

"Mind your business ratchet. This is a whit people conversation. Your a nigger so... sorry." Aona's face dropped. I hate it when people say things like that. People hated on her for the simple fact that she was a black girl dating a whit guys. Thoose dick heads made Aona cry herself to sleep almost every night and I couldn't stand it.

"Ok, listen. I don't know who you are and i sure as hell don't fucking want to. I have no idea how you got here or how you knew where I was. But what I do know is that "ratchet nigger" sating in the door over there is my beautiful girlfriend and I intend to make my wife someday. And if you don't get the fuck out of here then I will call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing and harassment." 

"Well if you "love" her like you say you do, then why did you fuck me last night?" I just stood there as the words came rolling off her tonge like it was nothing. I looked up at Aona and tears started to fill her eyes. The girl had a huge ass smile from ear to ear like she was successful in doing something. With that she stormed out of Aona's house and she was gone. Aona just looked at me. Hurt written across her face. 

"What does she mean by that Ashton?"  Aona asked obvious rage dripping from her tongue. I didn't answer afraid of what she might do.


"I slept with her ok. I was drunk. I just wanted to- I don't know, feel something I guess. She was there and things just kinda happened. I'm sorry Aona. I never meant to hurt you. And I sure as hell never meant for you to find out. Not like that." She just stood there tears actively flowing down her face with out a care.

"Then why couldn't you have come home Ash! Why couldn't you have come back to me I could have helped you Ash! How could you do this to me?" 

I didn't say a word.

"Get out." She said barely above a whisper.

"Aona I-"

"I said get out."

"Aona Please I'm so sor-"

"GET OUT!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. I've never seen Aona so angry before. So hurt. I walked twords the door and stopped in front of her. "You know your just like every damn guys in this world. I thought you were different Ashton. But you not. You don't want me. You don't want my heart. You just want my body. Just like all the other douche bags I thought were different." She tried to walk away but I grabbed her arm before she could.

"You know that's not true."

"I thought you loved me."

"I do Aona. I really do."

"Then why'd you do it?"

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