I Still Love You

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I'm Alive!!!!!

Aona's P.O.V.

I ran out of the house as fast as I could. I couldn't believe it. Then it came again and I threw up outside. I heard Ashton calling from behind but I just kept running until I was out of breath. Soon I stopped to take in my surroundings and I had no idea where I was. I looked around and saw houses with big whit picket fences and kids playing outside. I turned to my left to see a huge play ground where there were more kids. I walked down the street with my arms crossed realizing I left my phone at Ash's. I felt a tug on my pant leg and looked down to see a little girl in a pink dress with pig tails.

"Escuse me.." She said as she looked down. I bent down and took he tiny little hands in to mine.

"Yes? How can I help you sweetheart."

"Do yow want to pway with me?"

"Of coarse I would." With that she grabbed my hand and led me across the street to the play ground. She sat on the swing and pointed to the one next to it. I sat down and started to swing.

"My name is Lisa. What's yours." I was shocked. It was like she used her little baby voice to trick me into play with her.

"My name is Aona."

"Are you sad." I stopped swinging.

"Why would I be sad."

"I saw you walking and it looked like you were upset. Are you?"

"Well, It's not that I'm upset or sad even. I just don't feel vary happy."

"So I was right. Your sad."

"Yea. I guess I am." She stopped swinging too.

"Why?" I hesitated to tell her considering that she looked about 5 and might not understand."

"Do you believe that guys have cooties?"

"Of coarse not. That was so 3 years old." I couldn't help but laugh she was so cute.

"Come here" She followed me to the little bench. "Well you should because boys are evil and they don't care about anyone but them selves."

"What's his name?"

"Who's name?"

"The guys who doesn't care." I may have miss rad this little girl.

"Your a very smart little girl do you know that?"


"His name is Ashton and We used to be very close."

"Like my mommy and daddy."

"Yes just like your mommy and daddy. But then he did something that he shouldn't of had done and then we stopped being like a mommy and daddy."

"What did he do?" I stopped to think. Ashton has done a lot to me while we were together. Some good. Some bad. But him cheating on me really hurt. I couldn't tell her that he fucked some basic white bitch and broke my heart into 1 billion pieces.

"He stopped loving me."

"Oh" Soon it started raining and it started raining hard.

"Lisa!" I'm guessing it was her dad calling her.

"I have to go but thank you for playing with me."

"And thank you for making me realize something today." She hugged me and ran off.

I began to walk back to Ashton's house the way I ran. I can't believe that I let Ashton into my life after all I've been through. To think that he was different. I know that not all guys are bad. Some are good, really good, like Calum. Just the way he treats Melissa makes me wonderer why I attract the bad ones. The rotten fruit. What is wrong with me. Is it the way I look. Do guys look at me and just think that they can take advantage of me. That I have no feeling. I mean it's true but I have to feel something. I am human. I can't help who I am. I-


What the hell was that. Is someone calling my name?


"Ashton is that you?" I squinted my eyes in the pouring rain to see a very large figure running towards me.

"Aona! We've been looking for you for hours where were you."

"I was nowhere." I said walking right passed him not wanting to talk.

"Aona where are you going?"

"Any where your not."

"Aona!" He grabbed me by the arm and stopped me.

"Do you know what I realized today Ashton. I realized that you don't love me."

"Aona that's crazy."

"But it's true. If you really loved me you wouldn't have slept with that girl. You would have came home and been with me instead of LYING about where you where and then having the nerve to tell me it meant nothing when it obviously did. I'm not stupid Ashton! If you don't want to love me anymore just tell me. I get it. I understand."

There was a silence. Then he came closer.

"I don't want to love because I need to love you. I can't sleep knowing that you think that Aona. I get that what I did was wrong but I said I was sorry. What else do you want from me."

"I want you to understand that I still love you but I cant be with you."


"Will you stop trying to make me change my mind because I wont. It's over Ashton. I'm sorry."


"Can you just take me home."

"Of coarse."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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