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Michael's P.O.V.

(about an hour later)

I just stood there and watched as Ashton balled his eyes out on the couch. It's been a week since Aona broke up with him and he still won't do anything. He needs to get his self together before. we leave for tour in 2 days. Tonight Me, Calum, Luke, and hopefully Ash are going out to celebrate our last few days before tour.  I just hope he'll be ok by then. And if you ask me Ash deserves to get dumped the way that he did. How could he do that to someone as loving as Aona. 

"You get up. We're leaving now." Luke yelled at Ashton pulling him off of the couch. 

"I don't wanna go." 

"Well you have to. It'll help get your mind off of Aona." Cal told him.

"Ok." Luke looked him in the eyes and gave him the soft comforting look.

"Ok." Ash finally broke getting up. I'm just glad we got him to take a shower this morning.

When we got to the club there was so many people there. And by the time we got inside Luke was already swept away by some blonde. I looked around to see all the beautiful women surrounding me. None of witch realized that I was even Standing there. They never do.

I walked around just leaving Ash with Cal. But as soon As I hit the dance floor I was swept away by a drunken Aona.

"Aona what are you doing here?"

"Just hanging. How about you?" She wrapped her arms around me neck as she moved to the beat of the music. She looked so sexy when she danced. Wait! What the fuck am I think about. She my best friends ex. 

"The same as you I guess." 

"Why aren't you moving? Dance with me Mickey!" 

Aona and I were dancing the night away. She was so much fun when she was like this. This is how I meet her actually. Ans in the same club too.


"Hello." A girl with brown eyes and blue hair approached me.

"Uh Hi."

"You seem a little lonely just standing over here all by yourself. "

"I mean I guess so. No one really talks to me when I come here. Or go to any bar or club actually."

"Aww. That's type sad."


"So. I'm not that drunk and you seem like a nice guy."


"Do you wanna have sex?"

"Way to get to the point."

"Yea. I'm not very food at stalling."

"No offense but I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way till I'm married. Sorry."

"It's ok. And none taken. Well it was nice meeting you."

"Yea you too."


"Bye." And with that she walked away. 

That was the night she meet Ashton too.


"Aona I think you should go home before you do something you regret." She stopped and looked at me complete rage in her eyes.

"The only thing I regret is dating that hoe-bag Ashton Irwin!"

"Ok Aona calm down."


"Ok I'm sorry. Can we just dance now."


For half an hour me and Aona dance and grindded on each other. It was when I got 'hard' and Aona noticed that it stopped.

She turned to me. "Are you still a virgin?"


"Do you think we can change that?" I gave her a grin as an answer.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the curb outside as we waited for a cab. It wasn't that long of a wait and as soon as we got in Aona's lips were attacking mine like an animal. We were laid across the cab seat and Aona was on top. I licked the bottom of her lips asking for entrance witch she granted. Our tonges fought for dominance but she won. I can't believe this is happening.

We got into Aonas house and just went at it. She jumped up putting her leg around my waist. I kissed her neck as she moaned my name. I kicked her bedroom door open without breaking the kiss and closed it with my foot. I threw her onto the bed getting on top. As soon as all of our cloths were removed I was ready. But Aona stopped me.



"I can't do this." She got off of me and started to put her clothes back on.

"Aona, I thought that you wanted this. What happened?" She looked at me half dressed. She started crying."You still love him don't you?"

"Yea. I'm sorry it's just, he means the world to me."

"No I get it."

"Thanks for understanding."

"Um is it ok if I spend the night here. I'dd like them to think that I got some finally." She chuckled and nodded her head 'yes'.

"Knock yourself out. I'm taking the couch."

"Oh no. You don't have to do that."

"I know. But if I didn't already have a date with it then I'd totally make you sleep there." We both laughed. "Well good night."

"Good night Aona." I can't believe what almost happened. If we did have sex and Ashton found out about it then we both would have been dead.

~Next Morning~

 Aona's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my smoke detector beeping. I got up from off the couch to see my kitchen on fire and Michael trying to put it out.

"Michael! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!?!?!" I screamed running to the stove (at least whats left of it).

"I'm sorry I just tried to cook you breakfast. I didn't mean to. I-"

The door bell rang.

"Just go get the door." I said as I TRIED to clean up the mess he made.


I turned around to see Ashton standing there looking at me in my underwear, then back to Mike with no shirt on. Oh no.

"You slut." I looked right at me.

"Ashton why would you say that?"


"Why what?" He didn't say anything. He just started cry.

"You slept with him didn't you?"

"Ash no! I would never do that to you."


"We almost did, but I stoped it. It was late and I asked Michael to stay and he did. But I slept on the couch. I swear we didn't do anything."

"Why should I believe you?" I just couldn't tell him how I felt. I don't want him to know that I'm broken and lost without him.


"CAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU OKAY!! I still love you."


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy! Chapter 4 will be up soon! Comment what you think Ash will do/say. Also go check out my Youtube account.  www.youtube.com/user/cassidyballard7  Please and thank you. Remember, Comment, Hart, Follow.



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