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(Art credit to that.fragile.capricorn on Instagram.)

Venom swam to shore and let Eddie take over for now so they wouldn't be noticeable in public. The last thing they needed was to be hunted down by the police, or have videos of themselves on the internet saying some weird theories. They were still being hunted by Carton Drake's assassins, they didn't really need more pressure, especially since Eddie was already freaking out. Venom thought it wasn't necessary for Eddie to be so scared. Venom would protect him. Even if he did end up getting hurt, he could always heal him. Venom still didn't understand certain things about humans, but little did he know that there would be a change to that. Eddie soon got a phone call as he was walking around a building in which Venom realized that it was where he used to work until he got fired, but why would he go here? Venom noticed Eddie's heart increased and decided to see who was calling Eddie, to see that it was someone named Anne. Eddie declined the call and kept walking.
"Who's Anne? Your pulse has quickened."
Eddie looked around in suspicion, looking out for any people that might come around the corner, ready to pop out and kill him like what happened at his own apartment.
"That is none of your goddamn business."
Venom mentally rolled his eyes as he said, "Everything of yours is my business, Eddie. We have your secrets."
"Yeah? Well then you know why we're going here before we get to your rocket," Eddie said in an annoyed tone.
That took Venom by surprise since he did say earlier in his head that he wondered why Eddie was going to his old job. He was impressed that Eddie was, in fact, paying attention. He was stronger than what Venom had thought, but of course, Venom wouldn't admit it. Since Eddie was thinking about the building, Venom found out why he decided to come here and smiled.
"Sure, I'm not unreasonable."
Eddie cursed as his phone rang once more. He took his phone from his pocket and answered.
"Eddie, thank god where are you, I need to see you," his ex-girlfriend, Anne, demanded.
"N-no no you can't see me," Eddie stuttered nervously.
"Eddie I need you to tell me where you are, I'm coming to get you," Anne insisted.
"No you can't come anywhere near me you can't come near me right now."
Venom realized that Eddie didn't want Anne to see him because he was afraid Venom might hurt her. Again a ridiculous assumption, but wasn't really dumb since Venom did kind of threaten him.
Eddie burst through the door, arguing with a worker he used to be close with, trying to get to where his used to be boss's office was, but of course, he wasn't able to go in. Venom joked and said, "Let's eat his brains."
Eddie, of course, took it seriously and make a fuss about it and kept his distance from his old friend. Eddie cursed and gave up.
"We're leaving," Eddie said to Venom's surprise.
"Yes, we," Eddie stated.
Venom smirked. Eddie left the building in frustration but understood why his old friend wouldn't let him pass. He would get fired if he did, and he did need that job. Venom took notice of Eddie's frustrations and thought of a pretty good idea.
"You want up?"
Eddie heard Venom's idea since they have the same thoughts now, and looked up in despair.
"Why didn't you just say," Venom asked.
Venom took full control and started climbing up the building, leaving claw marks on the building due to the impact, reaching for the top to see the view. As they reached the top Venom looked around in awe.
"It is peaceful up here."
Eddie shook as he said, "I-I'm not good with heights."
"Your world is not so ugly after all. I'm almost sorry to see it end," Venom said sadly.
Eddie got confused. "I'm almost sorry to see it end", what the hell does that mean "end."
"What do you mean," Eddie asked in a nervous tone.
They didn't notice that an airplane was heading straight toward them, and because of the sound, it seemed that it hurt Venom, as he screeched at the deafening sound, and since Eddie and Venom were now one, Eddie felt the pain as well.
Eddie took over as Venom submitted into the sound. Because of this, they lost balance and fell off the building.
Eddie started freaking out, as falling from heights was once of his biggest fears. Eddie slid down the tall building, screaming with fear.
"Where did you go, where did you go!?," Eddie screamed.
Venom quickly clawed onto the building, saving Eddie once again. Eddie looked down, only to see his demise if Venom wasn't there to save him.
Venom tried to reassure Eddie and said, "I got us."
Eddie shivered in relief that Venom, in fact, won't let Eddie die. Venom continued climbing up the building until he found the boss's office and broke in through the window with a loud smash as the glass burst into little pieces and flooded the floor of the office.
Eddie groaned, "Again? You're going to get me killed."
Venom simply replied, "You die, I die."
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You can always just shed my carcass and exchange it for another one whenever you need," Eddie said, referring himself to an animal, which Venom did not like.
"Why would I do that? You are far too good of a match to throw away too soon," Venom said.
Eddie started writing a note to his old boss, warning him of Carlton Drake.
There was a small silence until Venom finally admitted, "Plus I am..starting to like you. You and I aren't so different."
"Thank you," Eddie said. Because of what Venom said, that made him slightly happy, which kind of confused him a bit.
Eddie continued to write, finishing up by calling his boss a shithead and left his phone for his boss to look at the next day.
"Here's your evidence," Eddie said to himself.
Eddie sighed in relief, calm as he looked out the window until Venom suggested an idea.

Just do it," Venom said to Eddie roughly.
"N-No I can't."
"For fuck's sake just do it."
Eddie looks down from the edge, stepping over little pieces of glass, then he started to re-think if he should jump.
Suddenly, Eddie walks back inside the tower going toward the elevator. As he pushes the button to go down, Venom snickers.
Eddie grunted and mumbled about how they literally met not too long ago and now this stupid parasite acts as he should trust him. Eddie didn't ask for this. He just wanted to help his poor friend from whatever was happening to her. She did, in fact, get kidnapped, and it would be a plus since he would also take down Carlton Drake. Now he has an alien inside of him...okay that sounds kind of wrong, Eddie thought.
"Shut up, parasite," Eddie said under his breath.
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"Venom yelled.
Eddie snickered. "Alright, alright I'm sorry."
Venom growled slightly. Venom hated being called a parasite or a monster. He was a symbiosis, not a monster or parasite. Parasites take things without giving something back, symbiotes take things and give back things in exchange. We aren't that selfish, Venom thought. The elevator door began to move very slowly, so Eddie decided to start a conversation.
"So Venom, where you from?"
Venom realized he was getting too close to Eddie and started to forget about his mission. Eddie should mean nothing to him, but apparently, Eddie is starting to have an effect on him.
"I'm not telling you." Venom pinned Eddie against the elevator wall. "I don't have to tell you anything. You are just my host until my people take over your worthless planet, you hear me? We are not friends, we are not partners, you are just my host, got that?"
Eddie grunted and struggled, trying to get loose from Venom's grasp, and confused about Venom's sudden change of emotion. Of course, he failed to get loosed due to how strong Venom was.
'That escalated pretty quickly. I wonder what's up with him? But he is kind of right though...did I really think he would stay,' Eddie though. 
Venom let Eddie loose once he calmed down. Venom didn't come to Earth just to make friends. He was informed to wait on Earth until Riot found a host. He needed Eddie so he could get Carlton's rocket and bring more symbiotes to Earth and destroy it. That was his mission.
The ride on the elevator was quiet and awkward. Venom could sense the sudden change in Eddie, since before he was calm and kind of happy for a bit but now he was just sad and insecure for some reason.
"Did he think that I was going to stay?, Venom thought. Venom started to feel bad, but ignored the thoughts and started to focus on his mission.
The doors opened and suddenly little red dots of light appeared in all sorts of places on Eddie's body. 'Snipers' Eddie though to Venom.

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