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Rim: If i know kyle and sam their good at their own games they have their ways to make people do what they want.                                                        Miyo: So we cant risk splitting in different ways.                                                   Kuga: Its getting pretty late maybe we should all hit the sack.                                 Lonky: Finally a prince needs a beauty sleep.                                                                  Spin:*whispers to gai* sometimes i wonder if lonky's gay.                                    Gai: i was thinking the same thing*laughs*                                                  Liu: Wait guys!                                                 Miyo: What is it liu?                                      Liu: You guys said it would be risky to split in different ways especially if were in a far distance so we cant let spin stay here it would be easier for sam to get him including gai.                       Spin: Well thats smart were would i sleep in your building the bathroom??  Liu: Im saying to lessen the risk we need to have partners so it will be easier to take them down when they come in.                                                              Gai:I think im fine sleeping in my room.                                                                  Liu: No gai its too risky you.                       They all went to the running man building to discuss the plan.                      Liu: So I've prepared a list with the partner you with.                                                      Spin sat next to rim with his arm in her shoulders rim sat still and avoided eye contact with him then spin had an idea he moved his arm lower and lower down to her back she continued to sit still hoping he'd stop and hoping that she'd control her blushing spin didnt stop he found it funny that she isn't trying to stop hum or scratch him when he finally reached her waist he pulled her closer and closer to him spin thought to himself"This is easier than i thought it would be" unable to take it anymore rim scratched his hand making him pull back his hand.                                      Rim:*scratches* Thats it! What the hell are you even doing??                              Spin: Jeez im just doing what a boyfriend would do babe*snickers*       Rim: SHUT UP!!! Your just acting like a pervert !!!!                                                      
Spin: Okay then i'll do better when were alone*smirks*                                     Scratchhhhhhhhhh.                                      Rim:There is no way were gonna end up in the same room!!!! Beat it!                Spin: Hehehe will see rim.                         Liu: So the first one is lonky and kuga.    Lonky: Why did it have to be with this monster? ????                                                Kuga:*chokes lonky* You watch your mouth!!!                                                            Lonky: YOU SEE!!!!!    
Liu: Well i cant partner you up with popo you both together are pretty defenseless but with kuga you have a chance of surviving.                                    Lonky: You do realize kuga WILL BE THE ONE TO KILL ME RIGHT???!!!        Liu:*ignoring lonky* so next is pala and popo but since you guys can be a little jumpy im gonna be with you guys too more like a trio.                              Popo: Hey pala just keep your stupid herbs away from my cards.                        Pala: Hey! My herbs are pretty useful your cards are just a big joke!!                    Popo: You take that back!!!!                         Liu: Guys quit it!! I hope you guys wont be like this every night.                   Miyo: You guys are so dramatic.                Liu: So next is miyo and gai.                       Miyo: WHAT??????????                                Gai: Uhhhh....really?(yessssssss)                  Rim: Who's dramatic now huh??*laugh*                                                                   Liu:and lastly is rim and spin.                    Those words made rim pass out.              Rim: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? YOUR GONNA LET ME HAVE A ROOM WITH THIS PERVERT!!!!!!!                                       Spin: Nice choice liu.                                     Liu: Hey i might partner you guys up but no baby making got it?                       Everyone laughed while rim blushed uncontrollably and spin was enjoying it.                                                                      Rim: *pulls spin's vest* DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING ME!         Spin: hmp! Like this?                                   He said while touching her cheek she pushed him to the ground then crossed her arms.                                            Spin:*falls* Big deal.                                       They all packed their things headed to their assigned rooms .                                   Gai: Lets just hope spin doesn't do anything weird.                                             Miyo: Im gonna keep my eye on him*glaring at spin*                                     When gai and miyo reached their room it was beautiful miyo's side was on the left while gai's in the right.            The colors were seperated based on their gender miyo's bed is white with a purple blanket with a beautiful chandelier on top complete with a closet and changing room gai had a table with a desk a bed and under is a secret compartment to keep his things with a closet and changing room.They both grabbed their clothes and went to their own  changing room. As they got out gai couldn't help but star at miyo she was wearing a black t-shirt and black shorts she looked at him like he was crazy.                                           Miyo: What are you looking at?                 Gai: ohh uhh....sorry i'll go to bed..(dangnammit! I should really stop staring at her like a creep!)                                        Miyo: Yeah me too....Dont make any noises especially snoring!                            Gai: Yeah sure.                                                  A few minutes later miyo heard voices like someone talking but she decided to ignore but later  she heard it again only louder she looked up and saw gai moving.                                                Miyo: Ughhhh gai keep it down will ya?                                                                        She covered he face with a pillow but it kept getting louder.                                     Miyo: Thats it! *walks to gai's bed* Gai whats going on????                                        Gai: Hrhrhrhdjskn.......zmxmcnnddk.          Miyo: Gai can you hear me???*turns gai*                                                                    she realized that gai was sleeping ,talking in his sleep his face looked worried and frightened.                Miyo: So his been asleep this entire time? His having a nightmare i mean should i........????                                              She rubbed her fingers in gai's hand then began to enter his mind she passed through his memories and into his mind core she saw gai hurt kneeling to the ground whule a group of strangers surrounded him.                    Miyo:*hides* Whats happening to him?                                                               She took a closer look and saw them all up close.   They look like ghosts or more like spirits but in the form of gai but black and with red eyes.                        Spirit1: You are a traitor gai! Nobody in the team trust you anymore.                 Gai: Im NOT A TRAITOR!!!!                         Gai tried to punch him but the spirit was too quick he aimed for a punch a gai that knocked him back to the middle.                                                                 Gai:aughhhhhhh.......grrrrrrr.                      Spirit3: You really believe that? *laughs*                                                        Spirit2: Besides once your a traitor your always a traitor!*kicks gai*            Gai: Gahhhhh....                                           Spirit4: You've betrayed your friends and even your brothers what does that make you huh??*pins gai to the ground*                                                           Gai: Nooooo I DIDN'T!!!! IM NO LONGER MAN X!!!!                                             All the spirits held gai to the ground except for spirit5.                                          Spirit5: And do you think miyo will ever love you?                            Those words  killed gai's soul while the spirits laughed miyo was crying she loved gai but was too afraid to show it now gai is terribly hurt.            Spirit5:  Now LETS END THIS!!!*punches gai* .                                                       The next you know gai fell unconsciously with blood in his mouth.                                                                 Gai: GAI!!!!!                                                      She ran to the spirits with her grappiling hook ready.                                  Spirits: Huh???                                             She pointed her grappilng hook to them that tied them up all together.        Miyo: You guys are done for!!                   Then slowly all the spirits starts to fade away she ran to gai then places him on her lap.                                             Miyo: * hugs gai* Gai!!   Plss be okay!*cries* i love you! I hope you know that!!                                                                Gai: * groans*                                                 He then started to wake up he found himself being hugged tight by someone miyo stopped hugging him then smiled with delight.                           Miyo: Gai!                                                          Gai: M-miyo? Is it really you??                    Miyo: Yes.You need to wake up gai.            Gai: What why??                                            All of the sudden miyo was pulled away from gai by a strong force leading out his memory.                            Gai: MIYO!!! WAIT!!!!!!                                He ran after her towards the exit of his mind then a bright light hit him.              
Then gai finally woke up.                            Gai: MIYO!!!!*panting*                                 Miyo: Im right here gai.                                 Gai: GAHHHHHHH.......i mean miyo?  W-were y-you just in my........                    Miyo: Yes i was i saw you being beaten by those spirits.                                Gai: Oh....uhhhh....you saw that it was nothing really.                                                Miyo: No gai you cant keep it away from me , i know you your not a traitor you didnt betray us and .....i......love you with all my heart.    *hugs gai*                                                     Gai: * cries* i love you too miyo thanks for saving me.                                       
Then miyo slept with gai instead with her wrapped around his warm arms they fell fast asleep.                                      (RIM AND SPIN'S ROOM)                             They were both already in bed fast asleep but someone was faking it spim stood up his bed then went to rim's bed staring at her.                                         Spin: Is she really asleep?????                    He poked her face 3 times just to make sure.                                                          Spin: Yup she's asleep alright now to....*evil grin*  ( no they didnt do it)      Spin slept beside rim hugging her by the waist.                                                         Spin: Man she's so comfy and her hair smells nice.                                                    Then he went to sleep.                                (In gai and miyo's room)                              They were both asleep then a shadow entered the room.                                            Shadow: Ughhh this is disgusting your coming with me gai!!!                               He placed a hankerchief on gai's mouth putting him in a really deep sleep..                                                                 Shadow:*pulls gai* hehe say goodbye gai, you will soon love my brother miyo.                                                                 He exit the room putting a sack on gai's head and carried him on his back.                                                               ???: So did you get gai?                                  Shadow: Yup he's outcode now for that grey monkey!!                                     ???: not so fast! We cant get him yet! His still awake and even if we did knock him out rim will wake up!!                                 Shadow: Ughhhhhh fine!! You'll be mine rim!!                                                         Then just like that he ran out of the building.                                                         In the morning everyone was awake but rim found an unusual suprise.         Rim: *wakes up* hmmmm.....is someome beside me?                                   Spin:*wakes up* Oh hey babe!                       Rim:*pushes him off the bed* WHAT THE FRICK!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED??????!!!!                     Spin:*yawns* duh sleeping! Your a really great sleeping partner btw.          Rim: W-WHAT?? WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING LAST NIGHT DID WE??        Spin:*laughs* what? No.... Why do you want to?*smirks*                                            SCRACTHHHHHH.                                           they both got out of bed then changed their clothes and  went to the living room.Spin sat next to rim who was glaring at him.                                                 Liu: Whats wrong rim?                                 Spin: Yeah whats wrong??                             Rim: I dont wanna talk about it.                 Popo: Wait where's miyo?                             Then miyo came running to the room panting like she was being chased.            Rim: Miyo! What happened??????             Miyo: G-g...........                                             Rim: WELL??? What is it? SPIT IT OUT!!                                                                   Miyo: GAI......is.... Gone*cries*                  Everyone: WHAT?????!!!!!                             (To be continued..)                                     

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