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"h-have you lived here all your life?" ashley quietly mumbled while staring down at the ground. her body movement was fidgety and she couldn't even say a word without stuttering but. i didn't mind it.."yea..kind of a shit city to be in. mom was consumed by drugs and both her and my old man skipped town after my birth. one of there friends who was at the hospital decided to take me under his wing..but something happened.." i closed my eyes taking a deep slow breath. the memories filled my head and felt as if it was happening at that moment.


"know what this is?" jack said as he held up a 9mm pistol. the skin on it was slick smooth. seeing the beautifully coated in a pitch black color and the shine that gleamed off of it when he tilted it. it was the most beautiful thing i ever saw. it was a lot more prettier then the shitty rubbled up apartment we stayed in. abandoned and inhabited by a bunch of druggies and criminals. jack was the same way but the one thing that made him different from the rest is. he protected  me. he couldn't give me a life of luxury or even a stable life. but he always fed me and watched over me as i slept. for a 6 year old to be living in these conditions staring at a gun like its the newest game console. "t-that's the thing that put uncle b-bobby in the ground..r-right?" i mumbled under my breath twiddling my thumbs. jack softly patted me on the head and held the gun out to me. "i wasn't able to give you the best of life..wasn't able to get you clothes or cars or games, hell i can't even get you into school..this is called a gun. this certain gun is a 9 millimeter saw what it did with uncle bobby. a lot of people use this for bad many bad things. but we have no choice this world its life or death and i want you to live take it." i looked up at him my eyes widened in surprise. before i realized it there was tears rolling down his cheeks. I've seen this man do a lot of bad things. he's killed people. raped and stole. and yet here he is risking food shelter and safety for me..a stupid little kid. i took the gun slowly. gripping the handle of the gun as firmly as i can. it was heavy to lift and cold to the touch but quickly warmed up as you held it longer. it felt..calming. it felt like the gun was speaking to me. telling me I'm safe just like jack tells me. i set it down beside my sleeping bag on the dirty floor before hugging him. "t-thank you for always protecting me.." i quietly uttered trying to hold back tears. it was always nice knowing he was there to protect me. after the hug he sent me straight to bed..which was a mistake . it was 3:00 am and i quickly jumped up when i heard a loud bang coming from jacks room. i recognized that sound all to well..its a gunshot.. i look at the gun beside my bed and within seconds it felt like my whole view of life changed. like something was possessing me and giving me..power. i pick up the gun  before standing up. the gun seemed a lot more lighter then before and it felt like I've used it a thousand times. running to Jack's room all i could think was 'point and shoot'. i shouldered up as i ran into jacks door breaking the doorknob off the lock and as quick as i could. i lifted the gun up lining it with my gaze on the shadowy figure exiting out to the fire escape. his eyes were a dark blood red and his body completely pitched black. not was detail could be seen except for his sinister eyes and and murderous smile. without hesitation i took the first shot. i wasn't expecting to hit him but surprisingly i shot him in the thigh. he roared louder and stronger then any predator in this world. this thing  isn't human.. he quickly fled leaving me in the gruesome blood covered room he created. i couldn't see jack anywhere. no body no bones no skin no torn clothes. just blood ..everywhere. turning around i slowly walk out the room closing the door behind me. i didn't feel sad or like i was going to cry. i felt calm and realized it was my time to play a part in this world. something just took the only thing that actually cared for me..he's right and wrong at the same time. the only thing that can keep me safe is myself. and my strength. i'm going to build up strength and topple over anyone i please. i'm alone now and i have to accept that..

~end of flashback~

"hheellllooooo?.." ashley said confused as she waved her hand in front of my face. snapping me out of my memories. "h-huh?. oh sorry..anyways he's gone now. sorry it took so long for me to finish that's your story? you seem like a goody two shoes type of person" i questioned while looking at her. "w-well.."


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