Chapter fourteen

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                              MIRA'S POV

  Today is the last day in school for the week and I can't wait to get done with school and go have fun throughout the weekend.

It was something I just did every week since Daniel graduated.

As I dressed for school in my pink shirt and ripped blue jeans I can't help but think about Micheal.

I don't know if I am actually going to see him around In school,I thought about what he was going to be wearing and how he looked good in everything, I was absentmindedly combing my long waist length black glossy hair and didn't notice I was late until when mum started calling out to me saying I was going to be late for school.

I won't lie and say I normally get excited about going to school but the possibility of seeing Micheal there made me want to hurry to school.

I rushed down, hugged mum and dad then tossed my bag at Daniel who insisted on dropping me at school today and was about to leave when mum insisted I had breakfast before leaving and I knew I couldn't argue with her so instead of arguing with her I rushed my food and kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

The journey to school felt really long and I wanted it to end as soon as possible for I couldn't wait to see Micheal.

"Mira are you even hearing me at all?" Daniel asked me after some time and I just shrugged because I didn't want to admit that I wasn't listening to what he was actually saying.

"I know you weren't listening so I'm going to repeat myself again" Daniel said and this time I was actually listening to what he had to say.

"As I was saying, you need to be really careful in school and I know you are wondering about Michael and I want to give you a head start in case you get to school and you don't find Micheal there, he's quitting his job this morning" and the moment he said that I could swear I heard my heart break and I could feel my eyes tearing up already but I wasn't going to cry, not in front of Daniel I said to myself.

"Don't worry I won't think too much about it" I said to him even thou I knew I was lying and if he noticed also he didn't comment about it and just like that I lost all the hope I had while preparing for school.

"Baby doll I said he might so there's a chance you will actually see him there so how about you cheer up and have hope on meeting him there for you can never  know what greatness your hope can hold" and with those words I felt slightly better then I turned to stare at him and begin to wonder how I could actually ever survive without Daniel being always  there to support me when I needed it the most.

"I can never live without you Daniel" I said to him and then I looked out of the window to notice that I was already at school and everywhere was buzzing with students as usual.

I stepped out of the car  and Daniel also stepped out then he came over to where I was standing and gave me a very tight hug then whispered into my ears"stay safe princess that's all that matters to me in life and my life is worthless if you aren't safe" then he kissed me on my forehead before handing me my backpack and left.

I got into the school and went straight to my locker to pick out the books I would be needing for the day and I was about to head to the class where English was holing for that was what I was having this morning before someone stepped in front of me and it was no one other than one of the boys whom I always see hanging around but never really pay attention to and just as I was about to side step him he pulled my hand back and slammed me against the locker and pressed me against it with his body.

"Who are you and what do you want" I asked him starting to get a little dizzy.

"Shut the fuck up bitch, for weeks I've been trying to get you to notice me and how much I love you but it seems like you are too full of yourself to notice and now I'm going to make you fucking pay for it" and immediately he said those words I felt him being lifted completely off me and I heard something fall really hard on the floor and i knew it was the mysterious guy. I hoped it was the mysterious guy.

But the pain was too much and I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness but not before seeing someone really tall and huge come towards me with a worried expression on his face .


So what do you guys think about this chapter, I agree  it's short but I'm sooo busy right now and my schedule is really tight so I'm sorry for the late update and the short update but I just want you all to know that I really appreciate your support and your votes really mean a lot to me.

Much love to each and everyone of you out there 😘😘😘 and please don't forget to post and comment. See you guys soon again.

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