A Summer Romance: Chapter 1

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Hiiiiiii everyone!!! New story!!!! :D Please comment, vote and possibly fan. It'd mean a lot if you did! Now I'll stop talking so you can get to reading!!!


I sat on my bed upright in the early hours of the morning, leaning against my bedroom window as I watched the raindrops trickle down and listened to the rumbling thunder. The room was fairly dark but I could still read the time on the clock: six thirty a.m.

'What am I doing up so early,' I wondered as I hopped lightly out of bed so I wouldn't wake Isabelle, my sister, who was a very light sleeper indeed.

The only reason that I was sharing my room with Belle, as everyone affectionately called her, was because our cousins were staying here and they were joining us on our vacation at Grandma's. It was a wonder she even gave up her room at all but I didn't really have a problem at all with it. In fact, I hardly ever had a problem with anything.

As I was about to cross to the door, I tripped on the carpet (being the naturally clumsy person that I am) and fell with a soft thud. Belle's bright blue opened instantly.

"What are you doing?" she whispered sleepily on seeing that no harm was done.

"I couldn't sleep so I was going downstairs until everyone got up," I explained.

"I think you should go back to bed," she yawned.

"But I won't be able to sleep," I argued.

"I'll feel much better I if I know you're up here instead of down there all by yourself."

"Fine," I said, ending the argument early and crawling back into bed. Knowing Belle, she would have continued on until she had her way and I really didn't feel like whisper-arguing with her.

"Trust me, you'll fall asleep in no time."

I lay there watching my sister's pale face in the semi-darkness. Even when she was asleep and her hair was all messed up, she still looked like the beautiful princess everyone told her she was. I continued staring at her, mentally thinking of all the things I was going to do at Grandma's when, against my will, I fell silently asleep.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead, we have a lot of packing to do," a voice said while someone rolled me off my bed.

Corrections, you have a lot of packing to do," I said, rubbing my eyes and standing up, "I finished packing last week."

"Perfect, that means you can help me with mine!" Belle exclaimed.

"Go easy on the luggage, Belle, we don't want to weigh the car down."

The "someone" who had rolled me off my bed turned out to be none other than Victor, my immature, brown-haired cousin.

Someone, most likely Belle, had opened the windows and the brilliant sunshine was pouring through the window.

"I'm going to take a shower now," I informed Belle, shielding my sensitive eyes from the sun.

"Wonderful. Mom says we leave in the next hour and a half and I need to finish packing."

"I could help you," Victor offered.

"And then I'd have to burn everything you touch, so the answer is no," Belle retorted.

"Aw come on," Victor insisted, pinching Belle which made her shriek. It was sometimes hard to believe that guy was a few weeks older than me.

I walked out of the room and down the corridor, passing my mom on the way.

"Good morning, darling," she said heartily.

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