BAU SECTION CHIEF MATEO CRUZ HAD ORDERED THE LARGEST AND DEEPEST DEEP-DIVE OF THE RED SCORPIONS AND CARALYN VALENTINE IN THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS UNIT. Every agent in the unit had been re-assigned to the Red Scorpions case, and both Derek Morgan and Alex Blake had been requested to return to the unit to assist with the case temporarily.
It was now every acting agent's duty to dedicate their time and resources to the manhunt for British Columbia's notorious drug trafficking gang and to recover one of their own in the process. It was an understatement to say that it was just another day at the F.B.I.
Kevin Lynch, and his newly assigned technical team, had been put in charge of using whatever measures they had to gather as much information as possible on the Red Scorpions and its affiliated members. Meanwhile, Penelope Garcia was ordered to learn as much as she could about the Valentine family, which had proven to be an extremely difficult task.
There was virtually nothing on Ross or Cara Valentine. This meant that every file on the Red Scorpions, on Person X, and the files and prison interviews concerning the initial rumor from nearly three years ago that a kid was a part of the Red Scorpions and involved in their activities had to be brought back to the surface and combed through. Yet, none of the files proved to be of any aid and only created more unanswered questions.