A HIGH-PITCHED RING ECHOED IN HER EARS AND SHE GASPED, EYES FLYING OPEN. A blinding, bright light burned against her pupils and she shut them back close. The source came from the window on her left. Instinctually, she raised her arm to shield herself from the sun but was promptly stopped.
Ducking her head and opening her deep blue eyes, she saw that her hands were still wrapped in colorful wires. Meanwhile, her forearms were tied down with zip ties around the wooden chair's armrests.
"Morning again, baby cakes." Stephen Leone grinned, admiring the black eyeliner and mascara resting under her eyes. It almost matched a few of the bruises on her arms. It suited her.
Cara stared at him plainly, not in the mood to deal with his antics.
"Aw, smile! We're filming a movie," he informed her, backing away. An unfamiliar camera tripod was positioned perfectly in the center of the wall across from her. The same small wave energy device from yesterday was on the floor.