Chapter 1

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Satisfaction Town...

Things had gotten worse ever since that day. It was bad enough he couldn't get his memories of his days as a Dark Signer out of his head, but thanks to that one card, his last week at Satisfaction Town was a nightmare. He woke up one day and felt he was holding something. He realized it was the Earthbound Immortal he had once used. The moment he looked at it, it triggered every single one of his memories as a Dark Signer to return.

He desperately wanted to be rid of it, but was afraid someone else would discover it, take it and then be put through the same troubles he went through. For the whole of that week, he barely approached anyone. The good thing was that only a few people noticed his strange change in behavior. The bad thing was that those they the ones he cared about the most, Sergio and his kids Nico and West. Nico and West looked up to Kalin as an older brother and Sergio also thought of him as a brother.

When they finally confronted him about his behavior, he finally confessed to everything, including the images in his head, his accursed past and his days as a Dark Signer. Nico and West refused to believe someone they considered to be the kindest man alive could have been so destructive. Their father, Sergio was also against this, but somehow knew Kalin was telling the truth. Kalin then revealed his Earthbound Immortal to them. Sergio had heard rumors about those monsters and noticed a peculiar light he once saw matched the light on the card.

Sergio: So, what do you intend to do, Kalin?

Kalin: There is only one thing I can do.

Nico: Kalin...

West: What are you saying?!

Kalin: I'm not gonna put any of you at risk! Tonight, I'm leaving Satisfaction Town!

Nico and West froze. They never expected to hear those words from him.

Sergio: ... Is that what you truly want to do?

Kalin: No, but it's for the best.

Sergio: ...

West: No!

Nico: We won't let you!

Kalin: Don't you understand that I'm trying to protect you?!

West: You can't just leave!

Nico: I'd rather be destroyed standing by you than have you leave us!

Kalin: And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen!

Nico: How can you do that?!

West: Dad, say something!

Sergio: ... What do you expect me to say?

West: Tell him he can't leave!

Kalin: Are you really that selfish?!

Nico & West: Huh?!

Kalin: You're practically begging your father to choose me over you both. How can you be okay with that?!

Nico: We told you, we're not letting you go!

West: Dad, tell him!

Sergio remained quiet and just stared at Kalin with a stern expression. Kalin returned his expression.

Nico: Dad?!

West: Fine! If you won't listen to us, we'll get dad to duel you!

Kalin: What?!

Sergio: ...!

West: You heard me, Kalin! If you win, you can go if you want to! But when dad wins, you have to stay!

Kalin: You're forcing your dad to duel me because you want me to stay?! Why do you have to be so...?!

Sergio: That's enough!

Kalin, Nico & West: Huh?!

Sergio: ... It's settled.

West: Alright!

Nico: Dad...

Kalin: Sergio, why would you...?

Sergio: Look, Kalin, like you, I don't want my kids to get hurt. But if they want you to stay that badly, I can't just turn a blind eye to their request, even if I don't have any say in the matter!

Kalin: Sergio... Fine!

Sergio: This town may have changed, but you remember how duels work around here, right?

Kalin: I do.

Sergio: The same rules apply, minus being taken to the mines. The duel starts as soon as the sun begins to sets. The first to get their duel disks ready starts off. From then on, anything goes. I'll even let you use your Earthbound Immortal.

Kalin: Are you crazy?! It'll wipe out the entire town!

Sergio: And here I thought you wanted to show my kids why you leaving town would be the best option.

Kalin: Not that way!

Sergio: Fine then, it's your choice. I won't hold anything back.

Nico: Dad...

West: We're trying to convince him to stay, not hurt him.

Kalin: Keep quiet! You two have said enough! Alright, Sergio, may the best man win.

Sergio: Indeed.

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