Chapter 3

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New Domino City...

He had just arrived in New Domino City. It's a good thing hardly anybody knew who he was. The reason he came to New Domino City was because, in the event he did lose it and became a Dark Signer again, there were people who could to stop him, one in particular. However, he wasn't completely in the dark. He kept getting looks from the people around him. They had never seen him before, but something about him seemed to alert everyone of his presence. He noticed their expressions, but chose not to react to them. It would have only made things harder for him.


He then reached a park. Something compelled him to watch the kids playing there. He then realized watching the kids play reminded him of how he, Nico and West would play together. He never wanted to leave them. He'd teach West about dueling whenever his father wasn't able to, and he'd help Nico with her chores as well as tell her stories about his time with Yūsei Fudō, Jack Atlas & Crow Hogan back when they were in Satellite. He was then approached by a little girl.

Lemise: Excuse me, mister? Are you okay?

He then snapped out of his daze.

Kalin: Uh... Yeah. I'm okay, kid.

Lemise: Are you a duelist? You look like one.

Kalin: Uh... No, I'm just passing through.

Lemise: You don't have to lie to me. It's pretty obvious just by looking at you.

Kalin: If that's true, I'd better cover myself.

Lemise: Oh don't. If you do, you'll look like that strange person I saw earlier.

Kalin: Strange... person?

They wore a white cloak, so I couldn't see their face. Maybe they're just passing through like you are.

Kalin: If I see them, I'll be sure to ask.

Lemise: I'm Lemise, by the way. It's nice to meet you.

Kalin: Um... Likewise. I'm... Kalin...

Lemise: Pleased to meet you, mister Kalin.

Kalin: You too... Lemise.

Lemise, where are you? It's time to go.

Lemise: That's my mum. I have to go now. I hope we see each other again.

Kalin: Um... Yeah... maybe we will.

Lemise: Well, goodbye, mister Kalin.

Kalin: Bye, Lemise, and... you can call me Kalin.

Lemise: Okay, Kalin. Thank you.

He watches her run to her parents.

Kalin: (Why is she thanking me, and why the heck did I tell her my name?)

He watches her and her parents walk away. She turns and waves at him. He lifts his hand, returning her wave. She then turns back and continues to walk with her parents.

Kalin: (That was weird.)

Kalin turns and begins to walk away from the park.

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