Chapter 2

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Sergio: So, you bothered to show up?

Kalin: Why wouldn't I?

Sergio: If you were smart, you would have already left.

Kalin: I'm no coward.

Sergio: I wasn't implying you were.

Kalin: Then what were you implying?

Sergio: You claim you wish to protect this town.

Kalin: That's right.

Sergio: And you think leaving is the best way to do it?

Kalin: Right.

Sergio: Well, I would have thought if you really meant that, you would have left already.

Kalin: It's just like you said, I wish to show this town why I should no longer be here.

Sergio: Is that right?

West: They're about to duel.

Nico: How could we make them do this?

West: What are you talking about?

Nico: Our dad is dueling Kalin. Don't you find that just... wrong?

West: As long as our dad wins and Kalin has to stay here with us, it shouldn't matter, should it?

Nico: I guess you're right.

Sergio: Are you ready to duel? There's no going back once we've started.

Kalin: If I run now, your kids will never be aware of what I could do to them if I chose to stay. I don't want that, and I don't think you do either.

Sergio: No, I don't.

Kalin: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, Sergio!

Sergio: Get ready, Kalin!

The bottom of the sun hits the horizon.

Kalin & Sergio: LET'S DUEL!!!!!

(Duel Begins)

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