Hello there! So, I recently joined a GSA and were informed that we were going to volunteer at the county Pride Parade in May. My head started thinking of how I would deal with a hate pastor/preacher. Here's what I came up with.
So, I get a few friends to stay with me after we are set free of volunteering just in case we came across one. (Assuming we did,) I would position them within the crowd for later purposes. I would then get his attention by yelling,
"Who the fuck asked for your goddamn opinion?!?"
Or maybe,
"I thought the Bible preached to love thy neighbor as you love thyself? Or to love your enemy as you love yourself?"
And right before this, I would make sure that I had an extra friend to film the entire thing. They(the preacher) would probably use one of these arguments:
1. The Bible says that it was Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.
2. It is an abomination for a man to sleep with another man.
3. You will burn in Hell if you do not repent.
4. Calling me a faggot
To #1, I would answer:"It is called the the Bi-ble, not the Straight-ble."
To #2, I answer:
"Did you know that one of the most famous people from the Bible, David, had homosexual feelings towards Jonathan? And then he married a woman. Which means he is probably bisexual. So, the Bible is technically on our side. And that quote doesn't mean what you think."
For this I reference you to:
https://www.westarinstitute.org/resources/the-fourth-r/when-a-man-lies-with-a-man-as-with-a-woman/Keep in mind that this man teaches Religious and Ethical Studies at a university.
To #3, I would answer:
"If you really wanted people to 'repent' and turn to Christianity, you should be preaching the side of the religion that focuses on the love of God."
To #4, I would answer:
"You know who the real faggots are here? You. The word 'faggot' means cigarette. You are a faggot because you pollute society with the idea that we are 'unnatural'."
If they don't stop, I'm gonna start a f*****g flash mob with my friends. The songs that I would sing would be, in this order, directed at the pastor would be:
Why Worry by Set It Off
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
Numb by Linkin' ParkTo the crowd:
You Will Be Found by the cast of Dear Evan Hansen
And then I would flip the bird at the pastor and walk off. Oh, and I would put the video on YouTube.
That's how I would react.
- Charlie
Rants, Memes, Ships, Pictures, Etc. From A Bisexual Person
ComédieI will try to post regularly, but feel free to talk to me. As for this book, it's in the title.