Chapter 1

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          The group had just boarded the Argus Limited en route for Argus, their only ticket into Atlas. Team RWBY, smiling and joking with each other, walked toward their room in their car. Seeing Ruby smiling so purely made Oscar smile while a faint blush dusted his freckled cheeks. "It's incredible how happy she is after what happened at Haven..." he said quietly, knowing that Ozpin could hear him when no one else could. "That's where you are wrong, Oscar. This joy she shows is her way of boosting the spirit of her team and those around her. That girl has endured so much sorrow that she does everything she can to ensure the happiness of those around her," Ozpin replied. Oscar looked down and nodded; Ozpin was right. That night in the dojo, he saw her show her grief for her friends she lost. And when they fought against Cinder and her team, the way her grief activated her silver eyes shook him to the core; it wasn't hard to see that she had endured so much. He hated seeing her broken like that. He sighed, catching the attention of the girl he was just talking to Ozpin about.

         "You alright, Oscar?" she asked. Oscar, caught off guard, froze and blushed. She walked over to him, resulting in Oscar becoming more flustered, "Y-yeah... I'm fine.... Just thinking..." Ruby nodded in understanding. This was a lot to take in. "I understand that this is a lot.... having Professor Ozpin in your body with you, the mission to collect the relics, seeing Salem.... everything.... But you're not alone.... You are surrounded by friends, ya know.... If you ever need to talk, you can come to any of us..." Oscar smiled softly then remembered what Ozpin told him, "Hey.... Um...... How are you holding up with everything..? I know you've been through so much more than I have...." Ruby's eyes widened, clearly not expecting that question. Her eyes seemed to dull as she looked down, "I.... I honestly don't know..... I want to say I'm alright..... but I know that's nowhere near true..... I'm not alright.... but I'm trying to be...." Oscar froze when he saw tears begin to fall. He didnt mean to make her cry, but he knew that if she bottled things up much longer, the result would not be pretty. He took her hand and led her to the room he would share with Jaune, Ren, and Nora. Since they were alone in there, Oscar pulled Ruby close and hugged her tightly. "Ruby.... I don't know what you had to go through..... but it's not healthy to hold it in..... it's just us in here..... you can let it all out......" Ruby, fully in tears at this point, looked up at him for a moment before hugging him back tightly sobbing. "I watched two of my best friends die..... Penny..... She...... may have been an android...... But she had human emotions...... She died because of an illusion a girl named Emerald made my friend Pyrrha see..... Then...... Then Professor Ozpin gave Pyrrha the choice of being the Fall Maiden....... She said yes so that she could help others........" Ruby began trembling as her sobbing became louder,"I wasn't fast enough...... my semblance is speed and I wasn't fast enough!!! I watched Cinder send an arrow through her chest!!! Pyrrha is dead because of me!!!!" Oscar's eyes widened as Ozpin sighed, "Oscar, may I have control? I knew Pyrrha as well....." Oscar closed his eyes as Ozpin took over his body, "Miss Rose..... None of this was your fault..... You did your best, and she wouldn't want you to blame yourself for her death.... If anyone is to blame, it's me. I gave her the option, therefore painting the target on her back. I'm terribly sorry for what you've had to endure, Miss Rose..... I really am....." Ruby looked at Ozpin as tears fell from her eyes even more,"Professor Ozpin...... you even died because of me......" Ozpin smiled and rested a gloved hand on the top of her head, "That was never your fault either, Miss Rose. I was careless. I underestimated Cinder's abilities and got careless. Even with age, I am fallible. I know you blame yourself for everything, but please, don't. None of this is your fault." Ruby looked down and wiped an eye. Oscar had the right idea letting her vent to him and Ozpin. She felt lighter, like a weight being taken off her shoulders. When she smiled up at Ozpin, he smiled back at her fondly before returning control to Oscar, who also smiled at her, albeit with a faint blush. "You're never alone, Ruby..." She smiled and hugged him one last time,"I know. Thank you, Oscar." She walked off to join her team as Oscar smiled, watching her walk with her head held higher.

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