Chapter 6

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By nightfall, the group had reached a small village. This village displayed beautiful decorations for a festival. Qrow smirked, remembering this village. "Looks like we made it just in time to check out the Winter Festival. There's an inn this way we can spend tonight. I'll check us in. You kids enjoy yourselves." Everyone looked confused until they all heard cheering downtown. Qrow froze when he heard a familiar voice, as did Oscar. "Welcome, Friends! We have been travelling far and wide spreading the joy of music and dancing!" Qrow looked at the group with an expression that told them to follow, which they did. Upon reaching the crowd, Oscar found the perfect spot to see the stage. He had perfect timing as a white goat with a black dot around its eye walked onstage. Oscar felt a smirk in the back of his mind as the goat disappeared in a massive cloud of smoke, revealing a beautiful young gypsie woman in its place, the same black dot painted over her eye. "We are honored to perform for you all, Friends!" she said with a gracious bow, "this tale is about a man in love with the fairytale he once led with his lover." She nodded to a man to the right of the stage as she smiled at her audience. Once he began playing his violin, a drummer began to play, signalling her to begin dancing as another man began dancing with her, all the while singing. The woman clapped to encourage her audience to clap as well. Of course, everyone soon began clapping as she tapped her hooves. Everyone cheered further when she stamped her hoof twice in time with the drum.

All too soon, the song ended, and the woman jumped into the air, performing a series of flips before landing in the back of the crowd. Everyone turned to see that one lucky man caught the bubbly faunus: Qrow. She giggled, "Everyone! This man has caught me! Therefore, I shall dine with him and his group tonight!! Thank you all, and I bid thee goodnight!!" The crowd cheered before soon dispersing to enjoy the rest of the festival as the men playing for the woman played a series of other songs. Qrow set her down, and Oscar carefully approached the two. "It's been a long time, Esmeralda. Looks like you finally grew some tits," Qrow joked, resulting in Esmeralda bursting into laughter, her well-formed breasts jiggling slightly. "You haven't changed one bit, Qrow. Tell me, how is the crazy old man?" Qrow smirked and pointed behind her, "Why not ask him yourself?" She froze and turned to face Oscar, clearly surprised. "This adorable little angel???" Oscar blushed before giving Ozpin control, "Hello, Esmeralda. I see you are still as beautifully cheerful as when we were younger." Esmeralda squeaked in surprise. Ozpin chuckled and motioned everyone toward the inn. As they walked, Ozpin and Esmeralda walked together, catching up on lost time. However, Ruby walked behind them with a look of jealousy evident on her face. Who was this woman? Why did Oscar give Ozpin control without hesitation? She didnt get it, and Yang noticed her sister's attitude. "Hey, Sis, you alright?" Ruby shrugged as she walked. Yang sighed; it was obvious Ruby had a crush on Oscar. "No way! Seriously?? Glynda got mad over a food fight?? She and I got into more mischief as girls than a simple food fight!!" Esmeralda laughed, causing Ozpin to laugh as well. Oh, how he had missed her. "It's true. I remember covering for both of you when my last form was a boy. However, there is something important I must ask of you." Esmeralda became serious, "You want me to rejoin the team, correct?" He sighed and nodded, "Salem is growing stronger and rallying a larger army than before. We need as much help as we can..." Esmeralda crossed her arms, bells on her outfit chiming. "How long do I have to think this over?" Ozpin looked at her, a seriousness strong enough to stop her in her tracks, "Tonight." Esmeralda took a moment then nodded, "You'll have your answer in the morning.... For tonight, perhaps you should return this boy to his girlfriend before she kills me." She smiled as Ozpin chuckled at the sound of Oscar growing flustered. "She's not my girlfriend!! Not yet anyway....."

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