Chapter 2

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A couple hours passed after Oscar's conversation with Ruby, and he couldn't get the sight of her breaking down like that out of his memory. She was so much more broken than he ever expected; honestly, it made him feel something deep down that he never felt before. For the first time ever, he felt the need to protect her at all costs. "Is this feeling normal....?" Oscar asked Ozpin. "Don't worry. This feeling is completely normal. That feeling is exactly what drives nearly every great huntsman," he replied. Oscar sighed as he sat on one of the beds in his room. "I just.... She's been through so much..... Probably forcing herself to suffer alone..... what.... were her friends like.....?" Ozpin was quiet for a few minutes before sighing, "They were both incredible.... Penny was such a kind girl, albeit an android.... She was loyal to those she counted as friends..... As was Pyrrha..... and extraordinary young woman..... She was devoted to her team and to her heart.... If younever had something to get off your chest, she was the perfect confidant.... She would never judge you, and she died protecting those she loved..... Miss Rose cherished both of them greatly....."

Oscar looked down, feeling tears of his own sting his eyes. "Just like my parents..... Dying for love......" Ozpin once again fell silent before starting to try to comfort him, resulting in Oscar shaking his head, "I'm fine, Oz.... I think I'm gonna get something to eat...." He stood and left the room only to hear what sounded like fighting on top of the train. He ran over to the window and poked his head out, only to duck back inside when a Sphinx Grimm flew past. "May I?" Ozpin asked. "No. I'm staying in control," the farmhand replied as he backed up right into Jaune. "Oscar, what's going on?" Oscar didnt have time to respond when another crash was heard. They all knew what was going; they group of four ran and climbed onto the top of the train to see Team RWBY and Qrow fighting off the Grimm. "Why is it always something???" Nora exclaimed. Oscar reached the top and ran over to Qrow, who told him to convince Dudley to turn off the turrets on the train. Of course, Dudley refused saying that the turrets were more help than harm. However, Oscar still tried to convince him until they saw the Grimm fly off the train. "Where are they going...?" Dudley asked. At that moment, Oscar froze and looked behind himself, "TUNNEL!!!!!!!" Everyone leaped in between the cars, while Dudley tried to swing around. He timed it horribly, resulting in the bones in his arm snapping and splintering. Had he not engaged his aura, his arm would have been lost, tumbling down the mountain side.

When the group rejoined Oscar and Dudley, Qrow pinned Dudley to the door, "I told you to turn those damn things off." Of course, this statement didn't sit very well with Dudley, resulting in the two arguing. Ruby looked at the passengers then back at Dudley, resting her hand on Qrow's shoulder, "Please, just turn the turrets off..." Dudley stated into her eyes for a moment before giving in. "Fine." With that, the group formulated a plan. That was when Ozpin explained that the Grimm are attracted to the Relic of Knowledge. While it did not make the group happy with Ozpin, it did not change the plan for how to handle the Grimm; the only difference was that Ozpin/Oscar could not go to Argus with Jaune, Ren, and Nora. Once familiar with the plan, the two teams split up to their stations before climbing up onto the top of the train. Once on top of the train, Blake jumped down onto the walkway where the cars were connected. Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Weiss, and Oscar were already busy fighting and killing the Grimm while Nora waited for the signal for Ren to mask everyone on the train. Once given the signal, Ren did his part while Blake disconnected the cars. Blake then climbed back onto the top of the grain to help her teammates fight. The smaller Grimm were soon dead, so Ruby ordered Yang and Blake to grab the lead Sphinx while Weiss used a freeze glyph on its wings. Ruby and Qrow both shot at the wings, destroying them. Angrily, the Sphinx reared up as a ball of fire began to form in its throat. Immediately, Qrow and Ruby both used their spin attacks to slice right through the Sphinx, killing it.

Unfortunately, the Sphinx release the ball of fire as it died, hitting the tracks. Weiss immediately leapt into action by applying her black gravity glyphs to hold everyone in place; however, when the train derailed into the snow, everyone flew off into the fresh snow. After a few minutes, Qrow finally stood to his feet rubbing his head, "Everyone alright?" Everyone testified that they were safe, including the elderly Maria Calaveras. Everyone stared at her, bewildered that she not only was still on the train but also that she was still alive. After gathering their belongings, and Yang being told to knock her frustrated statements off, the group began following Oscar, who was helping Maria walk. Everyone demanded answers from Ozpin. He, of course, then took control, "I did not lie to you." Weiss, clearly annoyed, said, "Yeah, well, you also didnt tell us everything about the Relic either. Ozpin then tried to explain himself to an extent until he realized that he no longer had the Relic of Knowledge; Ruby found it in the crash and was carrying it herself. Ozpin, terrified of her discovering his secret, pleaded with her to return it. However, as he reached for the lantern, Oscar stopped him, struggling to relay his message to Ruby, "He's..... trying to stop you..." Ruby was clearly confused,"Stop me....?" Oscar winced as he felt Ozpin fighting to regain control himself,"He's afraid you'll find out what..... he's hiding...." Oscar fell to the ground before weakly looking up at Ruby, "Her name.... is Jinn.... Say her name.... to summon her....." Ruby looked unsure as her gaze returned to the lamp,"Say her name.... to summon her.....? Jinn....?" With that, it was as if time had stopped as the lantern spun into the air, bursting into a ball of blue smoke. Out of the smoke came forth a beautiful being the color of the flame in the lantern in which she slept. "Wonderful!" she said,"Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?"

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