Chapter 7

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          By the time they reached the inn, Oscar was back in control and walking with Ruby. However, Ruby was unusually quiet, worrying Oscar. Did Ozpin do something while in control to upset her? Was she just thinking? He didnt know. "Hey, Ruby? Do you think we could spar some before dinner?" She shrugged, "If you want..." Oscar looked confused and stopped walking and whispered, "Is she mad at me....?" Ozpin shook his head in Oscar's mind, "Not at you. I believe she may be jealous of Esmeralda for how quickly you gave me control...." Oscar groaned, "Great. Just great. Now I risk losing my chance...." ozpin smirked and raised an eyebrow, "not quite. Spar with her, and see if you can get her to relax. Tonight may be a good time to talk to her about how you feel. She's more comfortable with you now." Oscar though about his advice then nodded, "Let's spar when we get back.." Ruby looked at him and nodded, "Alright."

          The two walked away from the others after Ruby let Qrow know where they were going. He nodded, and they found a secluded place to spar. Both teens assuming fighting stances, Oscar assuming the more unsteady one. Ruby quickly swiped at his legs, but he jumped and adjusted his footing to be more stable. He threw an uppercut punch, almost hitting her, but she countered with a jab at the ribs. His eyes widened and he stumbled back holding his ribs. "Okay, ouch... that one hurt...." Ozpin sighed, "You won't get a chance to tell her how you feel if you're in too much pain because you forgot to engage your aura. Focus on sparring as if it was a real fight." Oscar sighed, engaged his aura, and began to throw a punch but the second she was ready for it, he swept her feet out of under her, tripping her. When she hit the ground, she sat there dazed for a moment. Oscar walked over to see if she was alright, but she smirked and kicked his shin hard. He stumbled forward, his aura protecting his shin, and ended up landing right on top of Ruby. Oscar felt Ozpin smirk in his head but left this to Oscar, allowing him to choose if he wanted to use this as an opportunity or not. The two teens realized how this position looked, so they began blushing madly. "Uhhh.... S-sorry...." he said as he got off her. She sat up and rubbed an arm nervously.

          Oscar looked around and made sure no one was around before sighing, "Hey, Ruby? I need to tell you something...." Ruby looked over confused, and as she did, he couldn't contain himself any longer. He walked over to her with a confidence he normally didnt have and knelt in front of her. This confused her more until he lifted her chin as he smiled charmingly at her. "I've been wanting to tell you for awhile now.... but I really like you...." he said softly as he closed the distance, pressing his surprisingly soft lips to hers and tasting the strawberry lip balm she undoubtedly used prior to sparring. Her eyes widened before fluttering closed as one hand went up from the ground to cup his cheek. Of course, instinctively he did the same. Sadly, they had to break for air, and when they did, they were both blushing madly but smiling. "So not what I was expecting tonight.... But it was amazing...." Ruby said, making Oscar become more shy than normal. "D-does this mean you'll be my girlfriend.....?" Ruby giggled and nodded, and Oscar's heart seemed to swell and burst with joy. He gave her one last quick kiss before helping her to her feet, and the two walked back to the inn together, hand in hand.

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