Just add water

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They are on Earth now

Lance Pov

I'm done trying. I can't take it anymore. 

It hurts. The team leaves me behind every time. I'm done with their shit. 

I've tried hiding it. Avoiding the truth and putting on a false smile. But tonight I can't handle it. I've confronted them but they didn't give a fuck. They're assholes that I don't even know why I'm friends with. My mind is full of these thoughts and I just can't take it. The team left tonight to a party, and didn't invite me...,obviously. But even if they did I wouldn't go, I have my own special plans tonight. 

I took the car to my most favorite place. The ocean. The waves calm me. It was peaceful. And peaceful was the way I wanted to die.

I took of my shoes I ran to the waves. They splashed at me I soaked me. I walked out and got the paper and pencil to write a note. Once I was done I walked back in the water until it reached up to my neck. I looked around me once more. All the  memories flooded my mind, I looked up at the sky to see the twinkling stars. I took one last breath and dove in.

As my lungs were filling up with water and hand reached down to grab. Keith. But it already was to late. My world had gone dark.

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