Valentine's Day

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Idk where I got this idea from

But credit to original

3rd Person Pov 

Valentine's Day. I wonderful loving day...or so Keith thought.

Keith wanted to make Valentine's special for Lance. His boyfriend. Keith bought flowers,chocolates, rented a movie, he had everything ready. He drove in his car to Lances house. He parked outside, opened the door and got inside.

He saw Lances family sobbing. Hard. They lead him to Lances room and opened the door.

There lance was. Lying on the floor, bullet threw his head, sorrounded by pools of red liquid. Blood.

He's dead. Almost instantly Keith fell on the floor. Sobbing. Not giving a fuck if the blood stained his jeans.

There Keith stayed hoping Lance would wake up and say 'Suprise' or ' it was just a joke'.

Never happened

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