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‍‍ ‍ ‍ "mr. haitani," you knocked, slowly closing the door behind you as soon as you got inside. "are you sleeping already? mr. ran, told me to clean your wounds-"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ you jumped, looking at the purple-haired male standing in front of his bathrooms door before your eyes immediatrly fell to the floor. there he stood up with only a loosely fitted towel hanging around his waist and water dripping down his body, looking perplexed at you as he grabbed another towel to dry off his wet hair. he arched his brows slightly when your eyes locked, and your gaze slowly went anywhere but him, eyes wide open and mouth agape. you were on the brink of pissing yourself when you noticed that his face was crimson red, his cheeks were flushed.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "what sin i have committed in my past life to deserve this?" you muttered under your breath, ears slowly turning red as you shut your eyes from embarrassment. "i'm so sorry! i thought you were already sleeping."

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "it's fine. you're treating my wound? go on,"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "please wear something appropriate first, i'll be back." you forced a laugh to come out, walking outside before you vanished out of rindou's sight.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ by the time rindou finally called you back again, he unbuttoned his shirt, showing off a chest full of muscles and revealed more tattoos than you'd ever seen in your entire life. the purple-haired's males violet pupils stared back at yours, causing his muscles to ripple. he expected to see your startled reaction or even a hint of flush on your cheeks, but what greeted him instead was utter silence, a look he couldn't quite decipher. it was apparent that you were unsure of how to react, your eyes weren't moving away from the bruise on his shoulder. it wasn't exactly a surprise; you had plenty of opportunities to look at sanzu's before, but this was one of those times where you seemef stuck on a single point; his tattoo. he watched as your face remained completely blank as you slowly nodded and gave him a small smile.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ you scrunched your nose when you uncovered the bandage on his shoulder, leaning closer to take a quick look. "mr. ran was the one who took the bullet?"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "amazing, right?"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement chilling through your whole body, your fingertips are numb against him warm skin. the wound was still fresh and oozing profusely while tour hands trembled with fright; your heart was thumping so loudly than you feared it might burst out of your chest. it didn't help that he was staring at you as though you had committed the worst crime he had ever committed; his stare sent chills down to your spine. the wound would probably take a week to recover, and although it was only a temporary aiding, you were still anxious. you attempted to relax yourself by taking a deep breath, but you failed horribly.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ backing up his wound on his shoulder with fresh bandages after cleaning it, you smiled at your little achievement. "all done! you don't have any works for the rest of the week, right-"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ placing a hand on both of your cheeks, rindou took a hard gulp. leaning in closer to you until you can already feel his hot breath fanning through your face. in an instant, time seems to have stopped between you and him, yet the male stopped moving before he could touch you with his lips. he abruptly snapped out of his reverie as you straightened up, raking your fingers through the delicaye locks of your hair as shame swept through your entire body. as you look at him and do your best to contain the blush that is currently spreading across your cheeks, your heart is thumping like a drum and your chest heaves with air. what just happened? why were things so intense between the two of you? you wanted nothing more than to get this over with as quickly as possible.

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