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‍‍ ‍ ‍ from the opulent ceiling lights to the bottom surface, rindou's eyes traveled through the mansion as he entered, no single dust can be seen around. there was not a single bit of dust, and there were no stains whatsoever to be found. everything was tidy and immaculate, even the floors, which were covered in brand-new, beautiful white carpets. he moved in the direction of the living room, a vast, transparent staircase ascending to another floor above him, and a lavish chandelier hanging from the ceiling. the purple-haired was able to identify who was responsible for the lingering, strong cigarette smell in the living room.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "hey, rindou. i thought you'd be out all day," takeomi lit up the cigarettes that were already inside his mouth before shoving the lighter inside his pocket as he leaned against the glass counter. "koutaro keeps calling me every day. apparently, the girl that you crashed into last week was under his control."

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "and?"

‍‍ ‍ ‍ "i took care of it, but they still wanted to take y/n with them."

‍‍ ‍ ‍ take y/n with them, my ass.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ rindou cocked his head to one side, eyebrows raised at the black-haired's statement. these things seemed to look like a joke on the rival's side, "if he still had some problems with bonten, tell him to fuck off and meet me personally today."

‍‍ ‍ ‍ a week had passed ever since the funeral ended yet you were already smiling through rindou's view, saying that crying won't bring the deceased back to its life. the day after he died, you went to a funeral with your friends yet none of you sobbed once during the ceremony. yesterday was sunday, and you had nowhere to go so you asked rindou where he'd like to go as well to see if it would be okay if you tagged along. he was hesitant at first, but after a few minutes, he finally agreed and asked for one condition, you needed to buy him lunch on the way. even though you were aware of his considerable financial resources, you accepted his offer. the two of you went to a small café downtown, not too far from the mansion and ate while talking about nothing and everything in general.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ the purple-haired stopped when he reached the polished black door, heaving a sigh before he entered. his room was suddenly tidy for the first time in a very long time. inside, a sweet smell like a fruit aroma lingered through his room. around the room, a king-sized bed that can accommodate two people can be seen, and next to it was a transparent window that illuminated the stunning skyline. he walked over to his closet and grabbed his black hoodie off of the hanger and threw it on. with the exception of three little bookshelves stocked with the books he had read, his room was much like any other. some of them were brand-new, but the majority were timeless works that he had already examined. others he didn't even remember, and some he hasn't touched in years. in the left side next to the cabinet, a giant mirror with a clear view of his full body reflection hung.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ at his desk were ashtrays that were filled with butts of cigarettes, and there was a reason why his room smelt like pineapples and not a rotten smell of cigarettes but rindou wasn't dumb to tell what the reason was, though he smokes a lot inside.

‍‍ ‍ ‍ just then, a sweet sound of melody played through the vinyl player. the purple-haired hummed a melody- his favorite melody that he was made up when he was once a kid. the male turned to the windows next to him and looked at his reflection in one of the panes as music filled the space. seeing himself in the window, with the light bouncing off his pale complexion and hair that was once blonde but was now purple, he forced a small grin onto his lips. he smiled softly, looking out at the small cabinet filled with CD's that he used to collect back in high school. his friends' visits to this specific music store, where they would always return from and exclaim how much they liked all of the records, had turned into an addiction.

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