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‍‍ ‍ ‍  driving to your brother's house was such a long drive. it was silent between the two of you but the music that was playing inside the car lifted the mood in any way nevertheless, the silence didn't seem uncomfortable. you remained on your seat, eyes focused on the tall buildings that the car passes by, and next to you was rindou, one hand on the steering wheel while the other one held a piece of cigarette. you weren't fully awake whilst the bright beam of the sun rays that peeked through the white curtains was one of the reasons why you never got good sleep, too bright. with a loud yawn, you rubbed your eyes slightly aggressive and ran your fingers to the soft locks of your hair out of frustration.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  the warm streaks of afternoon sun rays were burning your skin when the male held your arms after opening the door for you and exited the car, the once sunny sky had turned into a mixed hue of pink, red, and orange color. pulling your long sleeve clothes back to look at your wrist that was still swelling, the memories of what happened last night clouded your mind again. "we're celebrating our brother's birthday today so i'm gonna stay here for the rest of the night. i'll be away for a day, don't miss me too much though."

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "as if." the purple-haired spoke, followed by a small chuckle.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "hope you don't cry while i'm away," you teased, "see you tomorrow, goodbye! text me if you need me."

‍‍ ‍ ‍  the male sent you one last glance, puffing the smoke right in your face with a smile, and in a second, he was already out of your sight. the fresh scent of zephyr that nipped through your skin was almost nostalgic, there was a mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement chilling through your whole body when you inhaled the air, and ran hurriedly inside.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  you felt fresher than ever.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  you hummed a lullaby tune after stepping inside, breath suddenly hitching when a masculine arms head locked you before you slapped the blue-haired's arm multiple times. you whipped your head to the figure of a man who suddenly appeared behind with a scrunched face. "that's not funny!"

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "ah, it's you. i thought there's an intruder," taiju spoke, taking the bag that was hanging on your shoulder and took his phone out from his pocket to check if there was any text from you but there was nothing, but just a meme of a nun with a middle finger shown. "you didn't notify me."

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "that's because my phone died, you dip shit! no one would dare to intrude here unless they're dumb, where's mom and dad? are yuzuha and hakkai already here?"

‍‍ ‍ ‍  from the bright ceiling lights to the marble surface, your gaze shifted to the kitchen where the blue-haired pointed, and to your surprise, countless maids were scattered while the sound of plates clicked loudly as it echoed through the whole house. some were assisting your mother in the kitchen along with yuzuha, some were cleaning the house while almost all of them were arranging the table cloths. wow, rich people and their privileges.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "i thought you wouldn't come, what's keeping you busy these days?"

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "oh, it's not worth your time to know about. i really have no interest in attending your birthday party but you blackmailed me, you know i'm a busy person."

‍‍ ‍ ‍  "busy, my ass. you're just lying on your bed every day, only coming out if you're going on a party or something and blackmailed? i won't do ever such thing like that, hypocrite's like you keeps vomiting my kindness all around the place. follow me," taiju rolled his eyes, leading you to the room where you were staying in before.

‍‍ ‍ ‍  you followed him like a lost puppy. taiju's penthouse was big, really. knowing the fact that he owns a restaurant so him, having a big house wasn't surprising at all.

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