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‍ ‍ ‍ "i thought i'm going to be busted earlier. good thing, you found an excuse." you started, pulling the seatbelt across your chest as you rubbed your heavy-lidded eye with a small yawn and that sentence alone made the purple-haired to quirk his eyebrows, you could feel it in the way the air felt when you let out a breath and how you could almost sense that look of his on your face right before you turned your head to look at his figure, but his eyes remained focused on the dark road that invades his vision. he can already feel another headache coming up so he keeps quiet and listens to the female beside him for a little while before speaking again.

‍ ‍ ‍ "they're going to find out, either way." he spoke in a quiet voice, one hand fiddling around for a cigarette in his pocket while the other one held the steering wheel. his hands were calloused but soft, the fingers thick but long, almost delicate if not for the visible callouses. his accent is different when he's tired, like he's trying hard to sound sophisticated, or pretentious— maybe, both.

‍ ‍ ‍ "not if we can keep a secret."

‍ ‍ ‍ "you don't understand, do you? once sanzu gets back, he will announce your relationship with him."

‍ ‍ ‍ as much as you loved the way rindou's face would scrunch up whenever he was being serious, you kept your mouth shut after hearing his statement, afraid of what he might say again. you were not going to take that risk. instead, you took another drink from your soda bottle and tried to ignore him. you had been trying for quite some time now but everytime you tried to make yourself relax, rindou’s words came back to you. was sanzu really going to do that? or is the purple-haired male is just bluffing with you? the streetlight outside was the only source of the light that was peeking through the tinted window of the car and the ride was silent, just the soft sounds of engines were filling your ears and the sound of dry leaves whenever the car would pass by— wait, leaves?

‍ ‍ ‍ shifting your gaze at the window, your eyebrows furrowed. "hey, rindou. this isn't the way back to your home."

‍ ‍ ‍ "i know. the navigation map isn't working either, i think we're lost." he shrugs, turning into an unfamiliar street, it takes only one wrong turn for him to realize he should've taken another way out of town and not go through the woods like some dumbassz and even if he had known how long it would take, he would still have gone the same way no matter which way was faster. the road was a little narrow but the woods weren't bad, and even though he couldn't see them through the thick branches above his head all he could hear was birds chirping, insects buzzing in the underbrush.

‍ ‍ ‍ "in the middle of the forest?" you questioned.

‍ ‍ ‍ "in the middle of the forest." the purple-haired repeated before digging into the cellphone the was hiding in his pocket. at that moment, his violet eyes directly met your eyes with a frustrated look slowly sculpturing on his face and you noticed the way his whole body tensed up a little. rindou's expression turned into an annoyed one in less than seconds and his eyebrows rose a little in annoyance after pulling his cellphone through his pocket, "there's no signal as well."

‍ ‍ ‍ "you're not going to kill me, and then, dump my body on the river, right? you know, when i said i wanted to die, i was just joking." you bit your nails at the thought of someone slicing your flesh meat, like the one you usually see in the movies, and was enough to send a cold sweat from your forehead. you slapped both of your cheeks, to at least pull you back to your senses. sneaking a glance at the male, you couldn't help but place a hand on your chest after seeing the strange look that he was giving you.

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