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It was a Thursday night, not too long ago, when I came into contact with the 'modern Greek gods' writing prompt. Now, I'm a sucker for anything Greek Mythology related ever since I watched Hercules when I was maybe six. So, naturally, I spent the next four hours compiling every single poem based on the Greek gods from tumblr and Pinterest and the internet that I could, and so this book was born. I copied all of them into a Word Document and spent the next two hours reading all 105 of them that I had collected. As I sat there at 3 am, wondering how I got this far into this project, I realized that, while I loved each and every one of the poems, I hated hunting them down and decided that I wanted to make them more accessible to everyone, which was a much larger task than I originally planned. I decided to try and publish them on Wattpad which, as many of you know, is an online book publisher, where your books could be made free to a wide audience.

It began the next morning, when I began to collect every poem and the name of the author, as well as their tumblr blog link and copied it all into another word doc. This process was not nearly as easy as I had planned, due to lack of thinking on my part (i.e. copying all this information as I compiled the poems so I wouldn't have to hunt them down and do it again). Once that was done, and a few more gathered along the way, I set out contacting every writer I could through either messaging or asks. Of course, I had few hopes that everyone would reply and fewer hopes that everyone would agree. Nevertheless, I was hopeful.

Over the course of the next few months, I received  messages and replies to my question. Slowly, my baby began to grow and every time I got to add a poem to my collection, it was the same feeling of glee that went through me.

Many characters of Greek Mythology are included and I'm always looking for new additions to this, so if you have any, please let me know!

Without further ado, The Rhythms of Immortality.

- Holly Giovani

The Rhythm of ImmortalityWhere stories live. Discover now