Chapter 9 - The Wedding Ceremony

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Chapter 9 – The Wedding Ceremony

Friday, May 10, 2176
6:49 PM
Wedding Hall, Dawson Dome, Phobos

Being true to his nature, Jerry arrived earlier than the beginning of the wedding ceremony. He came wearing the attire that Alyssa had purchased for him. He felt uneasy. "Goddammit, wasn't expecting to have a girl spend money on me!" said Jerry. "I should've spent money on her." It was right then that Priya, emerged from his holo-phone dressed up for the wedding, wearing a lehenga. Along with her came out another being, a man wearing glasses and a suit. "Jerry, this is Arjun, my boyfriend!" said Priya. Jerry then looked at him. "Oh, hi!" said Jerry. "Pleasure to meet you, Arjun!" He shook Arjun's hand. Arjun then smiled. "No, the pleasure is mine." He said. "Now I know, why Priya chooses to chill with you! But you seem worried." "It's his first date after years!" said Priya. "And she bought him clothes, but this wasn't what he had in mind." Jerry sighed heavily. "Being the man, I should've done this." He said. "I should've spent my own money on myself and bought her a gift." "Come now, Jerry!" said Priya. "You didn't know this would happen! You didn't even know about this wedding, nor who Alyssa's friend was." Jerry shrugged a little. "Guess you're right!" said Jerry. "Then again, I was born in Houston on Earth, she's never left Phobos." It was not long since Jerry arrived at the venue, when suddenly he saw Alyssa.

She was wearing a beautiful dress, such as the one anyone would wear at weddings and formal occasions. She saw Jerry and smiled at him. "Wow! Don't you look amazing!" said Jerry. Alyssa then gazed upon Jerry's attire. "Since you're looking out for me, I must say I'm happy to see you in those." Then Jerry looked towards the building where the wedding ceremony would take place. "Shall we?" said Jerry. "Sure!" said Alyssa. Then Jerry began to walk towards the hall, when suddenly he felt a hand touch his hand. He then looked to see Alyssa holding his hand. He stopped in the middle. Alyssa looked at him, then saw his expression. "You alright?" she said. Then Jerry turned towards her. "Uh, yeah! Let's just go inside." He said. They entered the banquet hall and much to their delight, they were not the only guests there. Everyone was already seated at their respective tables at the banquet hall.

Jerry looked around the hall and saw it was much more beautiful than he could ever imagine. "Looks better than the wedding hall I had my wedding in, before it got called off." Jerry said. "But maybe I'll find a much better hall, whenever I get married again." Then he and Alyssa walked towards their designated table. Alyssa, who heard Jerry's statement earlier looked at him with curiosity. "So, you want to marry again?" said Alyssa. "Yeah, why not?" said Jerry. "I'm only twenty-seven. I'm still young. Just because I'm divorced, doesn't mean I'll let the past dictate my future!" Alyssa looked towards him and smiled. "Well, the good thing is you think that way!" said Alyssa. "Very few people are like that nowadays!" "Of course, then also there are very few people who actually believe in God nowadays. More atheism nowadays." Jerry said. "But I don't judge anyone for that matter, everyone has their personal beliefs." Then the loudspeaker made an announcement. "Will everyone please rise to welcome the bride and the groom?" said the announcement.

Then everyone got up, took their holo-phones out then began to record the moment as the bride and groom stepped in. Alyssa then saw her friend and shouted out, "Go, Kaylee and Hunter!" and began to clap. Everyone else in the ballroom began to clap as well, while Priya and Arjun also gazed upon the scene. Jerry and Alyssa continued to clap and whistle out to the new couple, Kaylee and Hunter. Jerry could not help himself as he saw himself and Alyssa in place of the bride and groom. Of course, he had to curb this imagination given his and Alyssa's past. The ceremony proceeded as planned, Jerry closed his eyes half the time, as he could not help imagining himself and Alyssa on the stage. Alyssa noticed this and tapped Jerry. "Your eyes hurting you?" asked Alyssa in concern. Jerry looked at her. "Yeah, sort of!" said Jerry, knowing he was lying. He then slowly took deep breaths instead.

After some time, Jerry began to relax. He realized his love for Alyssa, would have to wait and now was not the time. Then the loudspeaker made another announcement. "Would everyone please join the bride and groom, as they waltz in the ballroom. We now present some smooth jazz to lighten your mood!" Kaylee and Hunter then got in the center of the banquet hall, and the music began to play. Other male and female guests in the hall got up, held hands and also began to waltz. Then Jerry decided to man up, he stood up from his seat and raised forward his hand to Alyssa. "So, care to dance?" said Jerry. Alyssa looked up at him and smiled. "I was hoping you'd ask!" she said. Then she got up also to waltz with Jerry.

The two began to waltz as the music became more pleasant and romantic. Jerry and Alyssa looked at one another. "So, you never been anywhere outside Phobos?" said Jerry. "No, I never have!" said Alyssa. The music continued to play, and Jerry and Alyssa continued to waltz to the beautiful melody. A feeling so pleasant and benign, Jerry and Alyssa both then began to embrace. Alyssa felt so good, while Jerry felt vice versa. They looked at one another with passion, and then suddenly Jerry and Alyssa both closed their eyes. Alyssa then felt Jerry's lips pressing against hers and Jerry felt the same from Alyssa. For some time, it felt blissful. Then the music came to an end. Jerry then opened his eyes and found out he was kissing Alyssa. He then backed away. Alyssa suddenly began to feel a strong sensation of guilt and remorse. Jerry also felt ashamed of just what happened, then he walked away.

Feeling really troubled, Jerry went to the balcony of the banquet hall and looked towards the city in Dawson dome. "What the hell have I done?" said Jerry to himself. "I kissed her right then and there." He felt weird and did not know what else to do. As he stood there in remorse dozens of automated drones flew above the city. Shortly, Alyssa found him on the balcony. "Are you alright?" she asked Jerry in concern. "I don't know what came over me!" said Jerry. "I'm extremely sorry!" Then Alyssa placed her hand on his shoulder. "For the record, I'm not mad at you." She said. "It happens, after all that music was indeed tempting. But you and I are only friends, so don't be sorry about it!" Jerry then looked towards her. "Yeah, but friends don't kiss one another." He said. "I'm so guilty now!" Alyssa then looked at him. "Look, I also felt ashamed and guilty of it. It's not your fault!" said Alyssa. "I know you don't see me in that manner, and neither do I see you in that way!" Jerry felt uneasy and sick inside, for one Alyssa was wrong with her statement as he did actually love her. He did not want to disappoint her however, so he calmed down. However, deep inside he thought to himself, if Alyssa only saw him as a friend and nothing more, then she would not appreciate the fact that he loved her. They then went inside back to the party.

Later, the ceremony had come to an end and Jerry then decided to go back to his resort. Alyssa then found him later on. "So, you want to do something tomorrow?" she said. Jerry then sighed heavily. "No!" said Jerry. "I think we've done enough during my stay! I'll just enjoy the rest of my vacation and go back home." Alyssa was confused. Jerry never spoke to her like this. "Is everything okay with you?" she asked. Jerry then looked at her. "No!" he said. "I'm not okay! And I think it's better we don't see each other again!" Alyssa began to feel disappointed. "Now, wait a minute! What's the hell is your issue?" said Alyssa. "What's my issue?" said Jerry. "What's my issue? My issue is that I have feelings for you!" Alyssa was shocked hearing this. "I always did since the day I met you at the resort's food court!" said Jerry. "But knowing of your past as well as you now knowing about mine, you already know it's not gonna work between us!" Jerry then turned to go. Alyssa angrily stopped him. "Listen to me, closely!" she said. "It's my fault for ever talking to you! You just proved yourself to be an opportunist!" Jerry was shocked hearing this. "You know my ex-boyfriend turned out to be a criminal, and you wanted to take advantage of this?" said Alyssa in anger. "Get out of my sight, and never talk to me again! Just get out!" Alyssa then walked away. Jerry was devastated, however he decided to suck it up and go back to the resort. "I've messed up big time!" said Jerry.

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