Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.

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For dulcecita1200

Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.







Credit in this episode goes to: Mr.Warburton, Mo Williems, Kim Arndt, Matt Peters, Jesse Schmal, and Abigail Nesbitt

We open on a sidewalk

Numbuh 1: Boarding school?!

Numbuh 5: That's serious business man.

Numbuh 2: (gripping her hat) You'll never make it out alive.

Numbuh 3: Oh you poor thing.

Numbuh 4: Relax. They haven't build a boarding school yet that can hold me. (Bus comes up) My parents try to put me in one every year and I always busy out by midnight. (Gets grabbed by two adult women in uniform) Wha hey! (Gets throw into the bus and it drives off)

Numbuh 3: (waving) Bye Numbuh 4. Send me a funny postcard ok (laughs).

Driving to the school that looks like a pink castle the bus stops at the entrance and the bus door opens to reveal a old women in a very business attire.

Ms.Margaret: Well hello Ms. Beatles I am Ms. Margaret. Welcome to st.ritas prepetory.

Now they are walking in what looks to be a very confusing hallway with multiple levels

Ms. Margaret: First you shall join the others in the orientation room.

Numbuh 4: Why bother lady I'm just gonna break out of this tin can by the end of the day anyway.

Ms. Margaret: Oh you have such a charming direct way of presenting yourself. Kinda like a boy. (In Numbuh 4 face) We will sure cure you of that and then you will be a proper young lady.

Numbuh: (mocking tone) Will sure cure you of that. Keep yapping lady. Girly girls suck I rather act like a boy over a girl any day.

Ms. Margaret: (makes and irritated growl then fixes her composer) Well then I'll just show you to your home room! (Throws Numbuh 4 in a classroom)

Numbuh 4: (sits up and sees a bunch of girls in a school uniform all waving and saying hi) Oh God no.

Ms. Margaret: Based on your reaction I'm guessing you didn't know that st.ritas is a girls boarding school.

Numbuh 4: They never tried girls only before. I refuse to go to a school where there is a bunch of girly girls, that would be no fun.

Ms. Margaret: (laughs) Don't worry you will be a as you put it girly girl in a moment. (Pulls out a really girly Ray gun) Say good bye to the tomboy life. (Fires Ray gun but Numbuh 4 dodges to where it only hits her hand. Numbuh 4 sticks the landing looks at her hand to see it has those fake nails that are pink on her hand and screams) Stay still! (Keeps firing while Numbuh 4 dodges and flowers pop where the ray hits, Numbuh 4 lands by the chalkboard grabs erasures sucks in a breath and makes chalk dust spread) (coughing) Where is she? Where? (Growls and throws weapon on the floor) How could she get away!?! (Has tantrum saying no fair over and over while the class whispers she eventually gains her composer when she sees the class looks and clears her throat and picks up the now a little damaged weapon) I'm going to my teret [not sure] now. (Leaves room and closes door to only open it again) Carry on girls (closes door)

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