Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T

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For borutojumbo1 

Credit in this episode goes to: Mr. Warburton, Alison Wilgus, Andy Rheingold, Kim Arndt, Quack Leard







We open at KND moon base

Numbuh 74.239 (the orange haired scientists with braces and a lisp): Fellow scientists as you all know breaking through the ridiculous barrier has long been one of the key goals of the kids next door galactic exploration program. (We now see a bunch of kids in lab coats, Numbuh 3 & 4 who are wearing space suits, and Numbuh 2)  For years the limits of our technology have kept us with in our own solar system, but no longer (swings hands up in excitement) today these two (swings hands over to show Numbuh 3 who is eating popcorn and Numbuh 4 who just looks a bit annoyed) heroic operatives will become the first to accelerate beyond the ridiculous barrier and in doing so embark upon a journey to where no boy or girl has gone before (there is a lot of hand movements)

Numbuh 4: (looks really annoyed) Yeah yeah so let's say we do break this re-donk-ulos bar-ist-er what happens then?

Numbuh 74.239: No one knows. The experiences a waiting you maybe beyond a child's comprehension.

Numbuh 2: Ok. Well while they're preparing the rocket (grabs numbuh 4 arm) I just need a quick word with the test subject… (numbuh 3 and 4 look at her with a somewhat confused face) uh… astronaut before the launch. (Drags Numbuh 4 away) Look Numbuh 4 you need two are going to be alone in that rocket for like a bamillion hours you have to tell him.

Numbuh 4: What!?! No way!

Numbuh 2: (Numbuh 4 has a worry expression) You can't keep putting it off he needs to know.

Loud speaker: Attention kids next door operatives this is Numbuh 3-2-1 the launch will begin in te-minus two minutes.

Numbuh 2: (pushing Numbuh 4) Just tell him.

We are now in the rocket where we see Numbuh 3 sitting and Numbuh 4 is just jumping in.

Numbuh 74.239: Oh Numbuh 4 I almost forgot you'll need this audiomadic voice capture device. (Hands over device) Just talk into the microphone and it will transmit your findings back to us. That way if you get eaten by some horrible interdimensional beast at least we'll know what happened. (Laughs and closes the rocket's door)

Numbuh 4: Huh, Hey wait!

Loud speaker Numbuh 3-2-1: Te-minus 15 seconds. (we slowly see the rocket is being disconnected from the base) 14 13…

Back in the rocket

Numbuh 4: Uh Kari, now that we're alone there's something I've been meaning to tell ya for a while.

Numbuh 3: (still holding the popcorn) Later Willow. The in-flight movie about to start (a screen that is counting down from 6)

Loud speaker Numbuh 3-2-1: 4 3 2 1 ignition.

They blast off numbuh 3 is saying we're and popcorn is flying out of his popcorn bucket.

Rocket: (a indicator that is like the speedometer in a car only it starts at x and ends at y) Now approaching fast, super fast, stupidflying fast, (it keeps saying it's speeding up as the speedometer is going from x to y)

I don't know what Numbuh 4 says but it's I can't something, I don't know at all what he says next but it ends with I'm getting out of here getting cut off as light enters the rocket.

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