Operation: L.O.V.E.

326 4 7

For dulcecita1200 hope you like it. It's not perfect but it's the best I could do.





Credit in this episode goes to: Mr. Warburton, Mo Williams, Matt Peters, Abigail Nesbitt

(♪for singing♪)

We open on complete blackness with a spot light on Numbuh 3 in a pink dress for some reason.

Numbuh 3: (Numbuh 3 is somewhat dancing) ♪What is this feeling? That I hope will never pass. What is this feeling? That mom thinks it's just gas.♪ (We now see that singing effect where we see the same person twice) ♪It makes me queasy so uneasy and just a little funky like a giant huggy wuggy smiling rainbow monkey.♪ (now is spin walking) ♪I never cared so much before, more than I loved stuffed animals. Now my life is happy mis-galore, my heart flies like the um- seagulls.♪ (stops spinning) ♪What can it be?♪ (separate notes is when the spotlight moves and he runs to it) ♪This mystery.♪ ♪Happening to me.♪ ♪Can my friends see I'm happily in looove.♪ (spotlight now follows Numbuh 3) ♪I've said it.♪ (skips dance) ♪Isn't that so cute. I've said it.♪ (spin dance) ♪And really really sweet. I've said it. Like yummy fresh fruit. I've said it. Tonight we've finally meet.♪ (runs up towards us) ♪I'm so in love my heart is full, I'm so in love it's ADORABLE. I'm so in looove.♪

It's no longer in blackness because lights come on and it shows we are in a KaNDy store and kids seen to be all around Numbuh 3.

Boy 1: Hey toots what time is it?

Numbuh 3: Time to follow my heart. (Boy 1 makes a disgusted look)

Boy 1: No seriously what time is it. I got to be home for dinner at six.

Numbuh 3 starts to skipping and spinning away saying ♪La♪ over and over again and stops when we see Numbuh 5  2 and 1 standing in front of a door.

They each have on denim jeans, 1 and 5 have denim jackets while 2 has a denim vest, and in addition Numbuh 1 has a tooth-pick and glasses with a red and green lens. 

Numbuh 1: (takes out tooth-pick) Be smart toots. (Puts tooth-pick back in)

Numbuh 5: Yeah kid. It's a dangerous world out there.

Numbuh 3: More dangerous than love?.

Numbuh 2: (does the fist to palm thing) Well duh we're in the middle of a gang war don't you know.

They walk up to Numbuh 3 and start dancing around him. [Sorry not describing this dance as much to much complex move just know they are dancing]

Numbuh 5: ♪ Where you got to go ta?♪

Numbuh 2: ♪Out there's nothing but troubles.♪

Numbuh 1: ♪Stay and have a soda. Watch the pretty bubbles.♪

Numbuh 5: ♪Why all the fuss?♪

Numbuh 1: ♪You're acting dumb.♪

Numbuh 5: ♪Just hang with us.♪

Numbuh 2: ♪You want a plum?♪ (pulls out plum)

Numbuh 1,2,5: ♪Don't join those other guys. Cause they don't know squat. So come on girl get wise.♪

Numbuh 2: (pulls out kumquat) ♪How bout a kumquat?♪

Numbuh 3: ♪Perhaps I take a cherry but first answer this quarry. Why must we fight every day every night? It isn't right.♪

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