Operation: D.A.T.E.

355 2 3

For BriarRose8910

Credit in this episode goes to: Mr. Warburton, Mo Williams, Guy Moore, Quack Leard





We open in on the sector v tree house

Where Numbuh 1 is tapping her foot wearing oven mitts and an apron as Numbuh 2-5 walk up to her

Numbuh 3: (salutes Numbuh 1) Kids next door reporting for duty.

Numbuh 1: (Now has tongs) Bad news team. (Opens ice box) When I opened the kids next door super secret mail drop this morning (reaches in ice box) I discovered this. (Pulls out paper and shows to Numbuh 5)

Numbuh 5: (leans over and starts reading) You are a courageously invited to-

Numbuh 1: Don't touch it!

Numbuh 5: What? It's just an invitation.

Numbuh 3: An invitation to the kids all town cotillion. (happy screams)

Numbuh 2: We got invited.

Numbuh 4: That's the biggest shindig in town.

Numbuh 1: Read the fine print. With your host The Delightful Children From Down The Lane.

Numbuh 3: Does that mean we can't go?

Numbuh 1: Of course we're going! (Numbuh 2-5 happy cheer) We'll go to their little soirée but not for fun. It will be a mission to find out what those Delightful children are up to. We can't be conspicuous I think first we'll have to couple up as to avoid drawing attention to our real mi- (turns to see Numbuh 5 leans on Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 3 & 4 grab each other hands) Uh… um I uh

Numbuh 2: Looks like Nicole Uno needs a date

Numbuh 2-5 laugh at her as she walks away.

Cut to a phone ringing next to a picture of Numbuh 1 who seems to be trying to stop the picture.

Lizzie (who isn't genderbent): (answers the phone and it seems her room has unwanted pictures of Numbuh 1 and her) Hello?

On the other side of the phone we see Numbuh 2-5 standing behind Numbuh 1 as she makes this call so they can laugh at her

Numbuh 1: (timid voice) Uh Lizzie it's Nicole. Listen the global kids next door organization requires your cooperation on a mission of the up most importants. Should you choose to accept you will be deputized and given the temporary numbuh of 49.

Lizzie: I'd love to go on a date with you Nikki.

Numbuh 1: It's not a date! It is a-

Numbuh 3: (takes phone) Pick you up at 7.

Lizzie: What should I wear?

Numbuh 3: Something formal I believe. Is the cotillion formal or can we go casual?

Cut to later that night at the DCFDTL house.

We see kids being dropped off by their parents and Sector v and Lizzie fly in and leave their vehicle.

Numbuh 4&5 and Lizzie will wear what they wore in the episode Numbuh 3 is in a tux like Numbuh 1 is in the episode Numbuh 2 is in a dress similar to Lizzies in the episode only white and Numbuh 1 is in just a plain sundress.

Lizzie: Thanks for getting the corsage Nikki.

Numbuh 1: It's not corsage, it's a two way communicator. An essential component of our- 

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