night terrors | tom holland

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It was dark and quiet. I couldn't move. All I could do was blink and breathe. It was a painful silence until I heard a scream from the distance. I tried moving my feet again and they did. I started walking to the location of where I heard that sound and I saw her. Y/n she was... she was hurt.
She's covered in blood. She fell to her knees.

"Y/n!? No... no no no no!" I say and start running over to her and kneeling in front of her. "Y/n come on wake up, open your eyes, you gotta wake up I can't loose you. Please wake up you cant leave me you can't you promised!" I cried and cried with her lifeless body in my arms and her head on my shoulder.

I was sliding my hands up and down her hair. Her blood was on my shirt, hands and, neck. I started crying thinking I lost her but 3 seconds after I started sobbing I heard my name being called multiple times. Slowly everything around me started fading.

"Tom!" Y/n said and I shot my eyes open and saw Y/n above me with worry in her eyes.

"Baby what happened." She asked me while searching my face that was covered in tears.

"You were- Y/n- oh my god-." I couldn't finish a sentence and got cut off by bursting into tears. Y/n immediately wrapped her arms around me.

I hugged her so tightly I was scared I was gonna bruise her. I cried in her the crook of her neck and my tears stained her shirt but she clearly didn't care.

"Are you okay, what happened?" She asked me worryingly.

"No... no... no." I replied not wanting the memory to come back. I hugged her even more tightly if that was possible.

"hey it's okay, I'm right here, whats wrong your scaring me." She said and I moved my head to look at her face and a few tears were down her cheeks. I brought my hand to her cheeks and wiped the tears away.

"I lost you. And I couldn't do anything about it." I said sadly. I know I sound like a baby but have you ever seen the one person you love endlessly more than anyone drowning in there own blood. Didn't think so. She pulled me over her so I was on top that way we could get closer and she started running her hands through my hair and massaging my scalp.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere I promise okay I'm not leaving." She said and kissed my forehead.

"Please keep it." I begged and held her tightly

"I will... forever." She said and graced her thumb over my tears. "Now you have to go to sleep, I hate seeing you like this."

I ended up falling asleep on her shoulder.

Your POV:

It was currently 6:00 am the sun is barely up where we live so it's still a bit dark out and I decided after what happened in the middle of the night, I would cook Tom some breakfast in bed. I kissed Toms forehead and I went downstairs and started my mission.

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